This is a wiki post and a list of all dic:operatingsystem that can be installed on the following Fairphone models (wikipedia OS list can be found here however this is not Fairphone specific):
Fairphone 2
Fairphone OS
Fairphone Open OS
Lineage OS
Sailfish OS
Ubuntu Touch
Fairphone 3(+)
Fairphone OS
Lineage OS
Lineage OS for MicroG
Ubuntu Touch
GSI Image
Fairphone 4
Fairphone OS
/e/OS (Murena)
Sailfish OS
Ubuntu Touch
Fairphone 5
Fairphone OS
/e/OS (Murena)
Sailfish OS
Ubuntu Touch
Fairphone 1 (U)
Fairphone OS
Click here for a guide to updating your FP1 (U) to the newest Fairphone OS version.
- latest official release: 1.8.7 (Android 4.2)
- @z3ntu’s 4.4.4 port with partially current security patch level!
- discontinued, but working alpha: Kitkat 4.4
older versions based on Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean)
- 1.0 Almond
- 1.1 Caju
- 1.3 Chestnut
- 1.6 Cherry
- 1.8 Kola Nut
- 1.8.5
not fully working yet, outdated/discontinued or experimental
- AOSP 4.2.2 Jellybean (outdated)
- AOSP 4.4.4 KitKat (discontinued port by @chrmhoffmann)
- CyanogenMod 11 (discontinued port by @chrmhoffmann)
- CyanogenMod 12 (experimental port by @danxuliu with lots of basic functions not working yet)
- MultiRom (experimental port by @danxuliu) is a multiboot solution for the FP1.
It only works with first batch FP1s without the unified storage layout. It was tested and works with the above mentioned CyanogenMod 12 port.
- postmarketOS // real Linux distribution for phones
Fairphone 2
Fairphone OS
- The official support of Fairphone OS for FP2 has ended!
Latest stable release was: 23.02.0-rel.0 (Android 10)
older versions based on Android 10
older versions based on Android 9 Pie
- 21.12.0-rel.1
- 21.10.0-rel.2
- 21.08.1-rel.0
- 21.05.0-rel.1
- 21.03.0-rel.2 (Android 9 Pie)
older versions based on Android 6 (Marshmallow)
older versions based on Android 5 (Lollipop)
Fairphone Open OS
- The official support of Fairphone Open OS for FP2 has ended!
Latest stable version was: 23.02.0-rel.0 (Android 10) - manual download and code at:
older versions based on Android 10
older versions based on Android 9 Pie
- 21.12.0-rel.1
- 21.10.0-rel.2
- 21.08.1-rel.0
- 21.05.0-rel.1
- 21.03.0-rel.2 (Android 9 Pie)
older versions based on Android 6 (Marshmallow)
older versions based on Android 5 (Lollipop)
- Details on DivestOS, changelog, and forum thread
- Android 11 version can be downloaded here and installed following the instructions
- current beta: 0.21 (/e/ is based on Lineage OS 18.1/Android 11)
- you can build your own version
- /e/OS Announcement in the FP-forum
- Bugtracker
- version 1.0 has been launched and can be downloaded here.
Lineage OS
- Was Official 18.1 (Android 11) - Forum topic, but official support of FP2 has come to an end.
- There is also a fork which includes microg!
- bugtracker
older versions
Sailfish OS
- current version: release6
older versions
Ubuntu Touch
- OTA-22 is announced
- official stable release by UBports
- user-friendly installation tool: UBports installer
- news
- bi-weekly live Q&A with the developers
- bugtracker
- get involved
not fully working yet, outdated/discontinued or experimental:
- B2G - FirefoxOS (discontinued but last working build is still available!)
- EFIDroid (currently not working) is a multiboot solution.
- postmarketOS - @z3ntu is working on a port, but hasn’t announced any success yet.
even more OSes:
Operating Systems that nobody is working on porting to an FP yet can be found in this poll. Please add other OSes you are interested in there instead of this wiki, until someone is working on them.
Fairphone 3
Fairphone OS
older versions based on Android 11
- 8901.4.A.0023.0
- 8901.4.A.0022.0
- 8901.4.A.0021.0
- 8901.4.A.0019.1-gms-edfd6a4e
- 8901.4.A.0017.3-gms-15368f27
- 8901.4.A.0016.6
- 8901.4.A.0013.4
- 8901-4.A.0010
- 8901-4.A.0011
8901-4.A.0010 and 8901-4.A.0011 were released at the same time and were the first versions of Android 11. For more details see here
- Community’s changelog till A11: ✏ FP3/FP3+ Fairphone OS updates - changelog & download links
- official FP changelog:
- Details on DivestOS, changelog, and forum thread
- Current versions can be downloaded here and installed following the instructions
- Fairphone and eFoundation were officially partnering (Fairphone announcement,
/e/OS announcement) to release /e/OS for FP3 - Existing Fairphone 3 owners can download /e/OS here
- /e/OS can be installed using the easy installer
LineageOS for microG
- Adds microG to official LineageOS for Fairphone 3
- FP3 LineageOS for microG download page
- microG Project
Ubuntu Touch
- OTA-22 is announced
- Current Ubuntu Touch release for FP3
- FP3 port status discussed in UBports forum
- does not support the FP3+ (modules) yet
- Ubports Status for the FP3
- Available for the FP3: Have you heard of iodéOS?
- Details on by
- FP3+ with iodéOS pre-installed can be ordered
- Android 12 based version can be downloaded here and installed following this documentation
GSI image
- Android 14 with gapps for Fairphone FP3(+) (Treble GSI)
- [HOW TO] Flash a custom ROM on FP3 with GSI
- [ROM][UNOFFICIAL] LineageOS-GSI 17.1 for FP3 - #25 by fwg-cag
- Ubports Status for the FP3
- PixelExtended is an Open Source Custom ROM based on PixelExperience, with Google apps included and all Pixel goodies (launcher, wallpapers, icons, fonts, boot animation). Fingerprint is currently not working.
- V4.5 Android 12.1
- LeOS (Leaving eOS) is based on PHH AOSP / latest version
- GitLab Wiki
Other OSes
- FP OpenOS is not expected to come after FP has partnered with /e/ foundation
- Alternative OSes ported by the community are a possibility with the unlockable bootloader and I’m willing to bet that these OSes will be ported sooner or later:
- Sailfish OS
- others
Fairphone 4
- Community’s Changelog: ✏ FP4 Fairphone OS updates - changelog
- Official Release Notes:
- Details on
- Details on DivestOS, changelog, and forum thread
- Android 13 version can be downloaded here and installed following the instructions
/e/ OS (Murena)
- For an installation follow the documentation
- A Murena FP4 with /e/OS preinstalled can be ordered here
- Available in the USA
- FP4 with iodéOS pre-installed can be ordered
- iodéOS for FP4 available here
- Documentation on how iodé’s ‘degoogled’ Operating System (iodéOS) protects your personal data
- child protection features
- wiki about compatible apps
- Discussion about iodéOS: FP4 - very privacy-friendly custom ROM iodéOS
- since iodéOS 3.3 completely open source
- old releases here
LeOS means Leaving eOS: LeOS - a PHH AOSP based GSI custom ROM
- Forum Topic
- Detailed instructions for installation: Install LineageOS on FP4 | LineageOS Wiki
- Download of official LOS version: LineageOS Downloads
- You can also build it yourself
- Fairphone 4 (fairphone-fp4) - postmarketOS Wiki
- Fairphone 4 is said to be rudimentarily supported one postmarketOS in the mainline kernel from day one:
- Sailfish Build for FP4 available
Ubuntu Touch
Please have a look at this topic before installing UT: Phone sensors stopped working after installing experimental image [Ubuntu]
- FP4 is now supported by the UBports installer: Fairphone 4 Ubuntu Touch | UBports Forum
- Latest announcement can be found here: Looking for Bottom Module that would save me!
Fairphone 5
- Official Release Notes are not online yet; until then, here is the Fairphone 5 FAQ
- CalyxOS now officially supports FP5. Forum post with lots of details can be found here.
/e/ OS (Murena)
- A Murena FP5 with /e/OS preinstalled can be pre-ordered in the Murena shop
- For an installation follow the documentation
- FP5 with iodéOS pre-installed can be pre-ordered
- downloadable images of iodéOS for FP5 are available on the iodéOS download & install page
- You may also have a look at: FP5 Coming with IodeOS
- Support is in the making, see this merge request
- FP5 page in the postmarketOS wiki
- Sailfish Build for FP5 available
Ubuntu Touch
- install with the UBPorts installer. Fairphone 5 and Ubuntu Touch - #13 by oli.sax