LineageOS 14.1 with OTA updates for FP2

Good news: Thanks to @chrmhoffmann the LineageOS build is now official. Follow these instructions to migrate from this UNOFFICIAL OTA release to the official one:

If you are a new user wanting to get the official release and coming from Fairphone OS (or another OS) follow the official instructions:

Old instructions to get on the UNOFFICIAL Lineage build

In a effort to make updating to the latest version of LineageOS easier we’ve setup the following:
A Jenkins that builds new versions of LineageOS every time something is committed into the LineageOS repository.
This version is then available as here. After it is tested this release is offered Over The Air via the Lineage Updater already present in the OS.

LineageOS reviews their code through Gerrit, but still: consider this a nightly beta OS. To see what’s currently working and what’s not: check the porting thread.

When coming from any other OS:

  1. Flash the latest build of TWRP, boot into it and make a backup (backup /data/media separately because TWRP doesn’t do this)
  • Factory reset from the wipe menu (or format /data when device was encrypted)
  • Queue this modem zip when coming from any other build than FP (Open) OS Android 6.
  • Queue the most recent lineage build from here:
  • (Optional) When you want Google Apps, also queue OpenGapps)
  • (Alternative Option) When you prefer free alternatives to G-Services queue a microg/unified NLP zip (by @Roboe) instead.
  • Flash, reboot and enjoy

To get the OTA-updatable version when coming from @chrmhoffmann’s build you do not need to factory reset:

  1. Flash the latest build of TWRP, boot into it and optionally make a backup
  • Queue this modem zip
  • Queue this migration zip BEFORE the lineage build but don’t apply it just yet (this is needed to introduce a signing key which is required for OTA updates)
  • Queue the most recent lineage build from here:
  • (Optional) When you want Google Apps, also queue OpenGapps
  • (Alternative Option) When you prefer free alternatives to G-Services queue a microg/unified NLP zip (by @Roboe) instead.
  • Flash, reboot (first reboot will take ~ 5 minutes longer) and enjoy

All the needed files can be found here at all times:
Bugs can be submitted here:

The final goal is to have Lineage take over this build as a official one. When we’ve reached that point I’ll make 2 migration zips to go to the official release from chrmhoffmann’s build and this one.


VERY NICE WORK! :clap::+1:

I applied the @z3ntu’s OTA fix via TWRP, rebooted again to TWRP and then queued the and the -> flashed and rebooted. Reboot took quite a bit longer than previously but without any issues so far.

Update under Settings -> About Phone -> LineageOS updates now shows available updates :heart_eyes:

…and has already the latest security patches! :heart_eyes:



Yeah, it’s incredible !! Thanks a lot !! Just a question : I didn’t do it because I don’t know if it will break the phone (and the guide say @z3ntu is not the official build) , but is it possible to install the official TWRP app (and install it as a system app) ?

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First of all, I’m the maintainer of the official TWRP version :wink: See Maintainer on .
Secondly, the only change between the latest build and the one linked above is this change: (which basically makes TWRP look for updates on that partition). So yes, it’s safe to use :slight_smile:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Using LineageOS on the FP2

@snevas thanks for the explanation. Update went smoothly.

Indeed, as @darioce said, after restart, booting takes up to five times as long as usual.

Second boot was back to normal time.


The longer boot time is to be expected because Android is “collecting certs” after they have changed / on the first boot.


Hello !
Does that means all the (current and future?) changes of chrmhoffmann are automatically merged into the WeAreFairphone repository, or this somehow is a process done manually by an admin?
Chris released a new release yesterday (, could I get the new features with the OTA Lineage Updater process described here?

Thank you for your work,

It’s a manual process; we want to be able to check each commit that comes into the WAF-repo’s. But we are up to speed now and there is a build currently running:

So if you check the updater in a few hours there will be a update with all the recent changes Chris made.


OTA update (20170615) available with Chris’ latest kernel patches:

(use Lineage updater in stead of the above link)


My questions about this might to be more suited on the dummy post but because I already have OpenGapps installed, does your comment mean I would be reinstalling it? Also, what does that mean for app data for apps downloaded from the play store?


When updating this release it’ll preserve OpenGapps, so no need to re-flash anything. Only the updater is necessary. Also all app data is preserved. (This is because OpenGapps adds a addon.d-script which LineageOS runs during updates)

When installing this release for the first time, you do need to queue Gapps when you want it.


The OTA update went smooth.
This is really great work.
Thank you so much!

Wow, great! Update went smoothly :grinning:

I can confirm that WiFi Hotspot does actually work now!


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Using LineageOS on the FP2

I have installed LineageOS 14.1 today following the steps in the first post and so far I am quite impressed. Thanks to all who made this happen!

Since I used an encrypted data partition on FP Open I had to do an additional step: A factory reset and wiping the data partition wasn’t sufficient. Only after formatting the data partition I was able to boot into the new system. @snevas Maybe it makes sense to add this info to the first post?

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Changed it :slight_smile: thanks!

@snevas I would format the data partition only in case the data partition was encrypted before (because the current LineageOS version is not able to decrypt the data partition). In all other cases a factory reset may be sufficient (and has the advantage that the data on that partition will not be deleted).

I have installed the latest build OTA. But the automatic (daily) check of the updater notifies me of a new version, that is already installed.
Do you have the same behaviour?

I get the same behaviour on official LineageOS devices like Moto G and Moto E (I’m still running FP Open in my FP2).