I thought it might be a good idea to have a breakdown of all known Android 10 issues to hopefully be fixed with future updates. Feel free to add whatever you notice.
Home screen layout gets muddled once Android gestures are activated and you’ve swiped up. Google search overlaps app icons. > Bug fixed with update 3.A.0066
“At A Glance” widget (date & weather) can no longer be removed from the home screen. (Not sure, if this is a bug or a new Android launcher standard, but it annoys many users.) Workaround: use a different launcher.
In the status bar the space between the network name and the time is missing. (With very long network names the time isn’t shown at all.) > Bug “fixed” with update 3.A.0045 by introducing Bug:
Gap in the status bar, on the left side of the clock. Only visible when network name is not shown. Forum topic here.
Volume buttons seem to always control media volume - but always show ringtone icon. (Other volume types can be adjusted on screen when tapping the settings icon below the note icon) > Indication inconsistency not recognizable anymore
Low and not adjustable In Call Audio Volume when using Bluetooth ( Headphones / Car ) (Bug might correspond to the “volume buttons always control media volume” bug!)
“Customise your Fairphone” message in system settings won’t go away or on fresh install “add another email”. Forum topic with workarounds here. > Bug fixed with 3.A.0101
More general Android 10 problem of unremovable settings suggestions found externally with XDA -
Some users get “Unknown caller” calls via 4G - even though name and number should be displayed. Forum topic here (includes suggested workaround of disabling lte call features)
Some UK networks (BT, EE) identified as “Virgin” MVNO (status bar and throughout UI). No topic yet, but reports e.g. here. > Bug fixed with update 3.A.0066
Fingerprint sensor seems to lose function on random apps (or lockscreen) while still working on others. Most of the time it doesn’t work after turning on the phone from being shut off - but then works on second try after restarting the phone .
New contacts can no longer be saved as phone contacts (outside of Google account). Existing phone contacts (from before update) are no longer displayed. A reboot to safe-mode makes local phone contacts disappear. Forum topic here.
There may be an issue upgrading devices with adopted storage, or switching to adopted storage. Possibly this is a re-indexing issue (which would mean the problem will sort itself out given enough time to re-index), but at the time of writing this is unclear. Forum topic here.
After a manual update SIM cards may not be detected any more and SIM slots may have no more IMEI. (e.g. here)
On some operators 4G and/or data connections fail. Entering APN settings can be a fix (Forum topic here) > Bug (possibly) fixed with update 3.A.0066
Random reboots after remarkably short time of orderly function, so that a lot of apps cannot be used properly
Drop-down menue unexpectedly appearing while reading a website in the browser. Connected to screen sensitivity issues solved by 3.A.0077?
Message ‘Stille meldingen’ [“silent notifications”] in drop-down menue can’t be removed
Have got the impression that loading battery is slower than before; this is a hunch, can’t prove it since I don’t have 9 anymore.
Connecting with some other devices using Bluetooth seems to fail
Won’t connect succesfully to ReSound GN hearing aids; the phone finds them while searching for bluetooth devices, states that they are connected but doesen’t play sound to them. ReSound states that these hearing aids are compatible to all Andoid 10 phones. The hearing aids are listed as “Android 10 compatible” by the manufacturer, but this feature needs to get enabled by Fairphone. (I’m probably the only one with this problem, though)
Stock camera app doesn’t always store pictures. It acts like it’s taking a picture but there will be no picture in the folder. Tapping the picture or switching to a different camera sometimes allows the picture to be saved.
Regular app freezes when reading/scrolling (longer) articles in the browser (opera, brave, …). Freeze can be overcome by pressing square button at the bottom of the screen and going back into the article. One is immediately at the new correct scroll position. (Never happend on Android 9!)
some apps (“Tagesschau”, “Spiegel”) do not work at all, in general, starting an app takes minutes. Often You get the message: “App does not react”. After deinstallation and reinstallation of the same app no change.
system always lengthily checks content of SIM-card (after every system start).
Call recording only records silence (Forum topic).
Wake-up notifications do not show anything but a “lock” symbol (Forum topic) > Bug fixed? 2021-08-01 accidentally tested and found working
Alarm doesn’t go off when the alarm app is not open on screen
Alerts and notifications sounds are extremely muffled - sometimes a reboot helps > Bug (possibly) fixed with update 3.A.0066
Front facing camera pictures has a green tint with the new top+ module. Workaround: Set Google auto white balance to on in the Nikita Google Camera app.
Still the same flash problem in default camera app than with Android 9…
WiFi connection quality at higher frequencies is worse. (rather unrelated to Android 10)
WiFi frequency toggle and WiFi sleep toggle disappearing: > Bug fixed with 3.A.0101
Workaround1 and Workaround2 probably still helpful in case additional settings keep disappearing -
WiFi interruptions and lengthily/unsuccessful reconnects especially after roaming and wake-up with “WiFi always active” set to disabled. Forum topic here.
WiFi WPA3 security protocol is disabled since Update A.0077. Forum topic here.
Bad audio in phone calls and / or video calls when using the built-in microphone. Receivers complain about digital artefacts or fade-outs. Forum topic here and here.
Stock photo app sometimes produces
(backslash) in the file name of photos, breaking other apps (i.e. Nextcloud photo backup) - Forum topic
Additional notes:
For questions / discussion, please use either:
- An existing topic on your specific issue, if it exists (see links in the wiki above)
- A new topic that you create if your issue appears to be new
- The general discussion topic about who got the Android 10 update over here.
To add to the wiki, use the ‘Edit’ button shown on the wiki post itself.
If you’re a (very) new forum member, this option may not yet be available - in which I suggest asking in the general discussion topic linked above whether someone can add information.
@formerFP.Com.Manager, I invite you to this wiki, so you will be notified of edits and can spread the info.