FP1: Macadamia 1.9.9-pre3 Alpha (Android Kitkat)

About the Alpha candidate of Fairphone OS Macadamia 1.9.9-pre3

  • This is for testing only.
  • It is still unfinished and potentially unstable and going back to Kola Nut 1.8.7 is not possible without wiping the phone
  • The new version includes a new launcher. That means that shortcuts and widgets on the home screen are not accessible in the default launcher of the new release.
  • This update only works for phones with a unified partition layout (FP1U or FP1 after applying the unified partition layout upgrader).
  • This update is provided as is.
  • Do not call customer support about issues with this alpha release. Report all problems here in the forum where our developers hang out.

Update instructions

If you have installed a previous alpha release already, any update will be delivered through Fairphone Updater.

Download link:

Macadamia 1.9.9-pre3 OTA (MD5: 1519c4bb01918d1fef80e849f31d4fa1)
NOTE: This force flashes recovery. Custom recoveries will be replaced. You can flash your custom recovery again after the update.

  1. Backup
  2. Charge to 80%
  3. Download the OTA package to your phone.
  4. Open the file with FileManager (opening it from Downloads does not work)
  5. Now you should either see the Fairphone Updater or you are prompted to select what app to open it with: Choose Fairphone Updater
  6. Wait until the updater is done with preparations and click Restart
  7. Wait patiently for a few minutes.
  8. Enjoy but beware of the rough edges.

Optional step: Install Google Apps through Fairphone Updater (MD5: 361061ecec0cd9203a0b66a6333e1b7d).

Bug reporting procedure
If you encounter any problems with this alpha release, please don’t contact customer support but directly contact our developers here in the beta-testing forum.

  • Please post in https://forum.fairphone.com/c/software/beta-testing and tag with #kitkat
  • In case of bugs please provide the following information:
  • Exact version you are running (there might be more alpha releases)
  • What are the steps to reproduce the failure?
  • What did you try to achieve?
  • What happened instead?
  • Kernel log and logcat from when the bug happened are greatly appreciated.
    • Enable USB debugging
    • Connect your phone to your computer.
    • Open a terminal/shell/commandline and run adb bugreport > bugreport.txt
    • Supply us with bugreport.txt via beta@fairphone.com

You can also get Kernel and Android logs with adb or with MTKLogger.

Downgrade instructions (back to Kola Nut 1.8.7)

→ This will erase all data on your Fairphone 1! ←

In order to go back to version 1.8.7 (Android 4.2 Jellybean) follow these steps (or install manually as described below.

  1. Backup any data.
  2. Charge to 80%.
  3. Open the Updater app
  6. Under Older versions select FAIRPHONE KOLA NUT 1.8.7 and follow the instructions.

You can also apply the downgrade manually. You’ll probably notice that they are virtually the same as when updating except for the different OTA package.

Download link: Kola Nut 1.8.7.zip
MD5: 14b573c82c945fdb6a4a587646d0e248

  1. Backup any data.
  2. Charge to 80%.
  3. Download the OTA package to your phone (or download it to your computer and copy it to your phone via USB)
  4. Open Downloads (or File Manager in case you’ve copied the file from your computer) and select the file
  5. If you are prompted what app to use for opening the update, select Fairphone Updater
  6. Wait until the Restart button is enabled and press it
  7. Wait for a bit until the phone reboots
  8. Your phone is now back on Fairphone OS Kola Nut 1.8.7 (Android 4.2 Jellybean) and all your data is deleted

Known issues

Please be aware of these known issues:

  • Peace of Mind does not work.
  • Fairphone Updater displays wrong updates because the updates are only distributed through this thread.
  • Bright lines around boot logo (temporarily fixed in pre2) (fixed in pre3)
  • Settings app not localized (always English) (fixed in pre2)
  • Updater does not work from Downloads
  • Debug boot mode is not translated
  • battery level suddenly drops
  • “No SIM card detected” if SIM slot is empty
  • Updater is missing privileges (needs LOCAL_PRIVILEGED_MODULE := true)

These issues need confirmation

If you encounter any of these issues please run adb bugreport (for details see above) and send me the results.

Feature requests

  • add Reboot button to power menu

Let me know of more issue and I will update this list.


Was going to post to say that the Google installer messed things up :joy:


Are you talking about the service update error? If you manage to do: drag down -> config menu -> settings -> apps, this error seems to stop (till you leave settings again). From the apps I was able to select a file manager and click launch. Within the file manager you can move /system/apk/ServiceUpdate.apk (if you have root). That solved it for me.

What Google installer did you use?

I went to the Updater and clicked on install Google Services. I did a couple of nice screenshots but I can;'t extract them. Now the phone is stuck on “Unfortunately, Setup wizard stopped.”

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Just realised that I wrongly said serviceupdate in my previous I meant SetupWizard. So see above for how I worked around the phone being stuck on that error.

@BlackEdder, does that mean you got Google Apps working with the old installer?

No, google apps is not working. I just found a workaround for being stuck with the setup wizard error message (which keeps infinitely popping up)

Edit: Did get Google apps working using opengapps and CRW

8 posts were split to a new topic: Possible to install TWRP/CWM on FP1?

I had the unofficial version running on my FP1 so I updated via ROM manager cyanogen to install. Worked fine.

But then it got stuck with a message

I had to go to Apps Fairphone OS and launch for it to work but everytime I presse the homescreen button the same happens and I have to do the same all over again. Phone says it’s not rooted anymore…

So now I’m going to go back to kola nut and try everything once again see if it changes something…

It’s adviced to wipe data, cache and dalvik cache before installing a new ROM. Had you done that before installing Macadamia?

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I restaured factory settings (don’t mind don’t use the phone right now) and now it works…

Also tried to install opengapps pico which worked with CWM recovery but then the keyboard didn’t work anymore and I was blocked so I had to go back and start again… how can I correct this keybord problem?

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Go to CWM recovery and wipe data and cache. Additionally wipe Dalvik Cache in Advanced. You should start with a completely blank phone!

I installed google keyboard and then chose it and then swipe keyboard normally from googleplay which works by the way with pico installation from OpenGapps. I still got the popup message that keybord stopped working but it matters little as I now have a keyboard to work with…

So far so good… some small problems so far:

  1. When the OS is loading a white line appears on the left and up screen edge of the phone.

  2. Also there are some language problems: language is set to French but 70% of menu is in English.

Forgot to say: I have an FP1 first edition :wink:

Is that new launcher “Fairphone Launcher 3”, the Launcher from FP1X/FP2? Because I updated from FP1X and didn’t lose any widgets or launcher settings. :thumbsup:

All in all the update went smoothly, no data loss, no issues found so far. :slight_smile:

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Good to see that you could solve it. Chris’ and our build could potentially be close enough to not have to factory reset. However, wiping Dalvik cache is probably always necessary.

Did everyone here come from Chris’ build? Or are there also some people that updated from Kola Nut 1.8.7? In general this is the more important case to test, because most of our users will take that path.

Yes, this solves many problems (although Dalvik Cache is on the data partition which means that you don’t need to wipe Dalvik Cache if you factory reset).

But please don’t all factory reset before flashing: Most people will want to update from Kola Nut without loosing any data. Therefore it would be great if these scenarios are also covered by our tests.

Yes, I can verify that. I will look into it.

Ohoh, that needs to be fixed. Probably it’s too much work and doesn’t make sense to list each and every non-translated string. But, is there a pattern to it? What parts are in English and what parts are in French?

Yes, it is the very same launcher.

Great to hear.

Thanks a lot everyone. Keep up the good work! :thumbsup:


I just switched from the unofficial port to this on an encrypted FP1. It seams to work and i can confirm for german that:

  • the quick-settings and other direct accessible parts are correctly localized to german (including the launcher and updater). Default widgets like music are localized.
  • the settings menu and all settings accessed through the quick-settings are in English, Adding a widged I’m also promoted in English to confirm that i’ll allow the launcher to add it.

Besides that I really like it and will start to take a closer look and use it.

Forgot to mention, that I did not a complete factory reset, just wiped the caches and used the recovery to install this update as a new one. So my settings and apps remained as did the encryption.


I wish I had a option for white or black background colour for the menu…

[quote=“jftr, post:20, topic:19450”]
Ohoh, that needs to be fixed. Probably it’s too much work and doesn’t make sense to list each and every non-translated string. But, is there a pattern to it? What parts are in English and what parts are in French?[/quote]

Everything in “settings” is in english and everything in screen and apks menu is in french.

By the way I must say: Thank you so much for this update!!! this is incredible, I love my FP1 but it wasn’t easy to use lately with some apks not compatible. The unofficial kitkat was great too and I’m really glad this phone is supported like this (officialy and inofficialy) :+1:

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