What’s kind of nagging me is that it’s March 2017 now and we’re still waiting for Kitkat without any substantial news on progress or even bug fix patches for 4.2.2. It’s not just that we’re not getting a Kitkat update, we’re also not getting security updates for the OS any more. What stings even more is that FairPhone 2 is continually getting software updates and is currently beta testing an Android 6.0 update. Of course it was to be expected that updating FP2 would be a lot easier than FP1, but it’s getting a bit awkward now.
So what’s the hold up? In this thread I’m seeing 6 unfixed issues. Is that all that remains? Have they been working on just these 6 issues for the past 6 months? It sounds harsh, but if you can’t fix an issue in the past 6 months, why would you be able to fix it in the next 6?