Software Update: 3.A.0132.20211027

Hi everyone :sunflower:

And here it is! Our latest software update for Fairphone 3 and Fairphone 3+ users is now available.

Software Version: 3.A.0132.20211027

Security Patch Level: 5th of November, 2021

List of changes:

  • Fixed an issue that was causing, under certain conditions, the incoming caller ID to appear as “unknown”.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing, under certain conditions, the brightness level to go to zero when set to Automatic.
  • The network compatibility for several carriers has been enhanced.

Please note:

Together with our partners, we test the software before its release, and in some instances where a software update might result in some problems for users on a specific network or in a specific country, we prefer to delay the software release for that specific customer base and fix all the potential issues before making the software available to everyone.

That means that depending on your network provider, some Fairphone 3 and 3+ users may receive this update later. Once the update is available you’ll receive a push notification to automatically update.


10:39 Unavailable in UK on EE :slight_smile:

11:10 Just realised I had no connection :blush: Downloading now :slight_smile:
11:21 All Done: Adaptive brightness seems fine :slight_smile:


This update is only for FP3 not the FP4 and Android 10

I thought the FP4 uses Android 11 so has nothing to do with this topic ???


Which bug fixes are you referring to?

The first post by Rae details the fixes

Security Patch Level: 5th of November, 2021

List of changes:

  • Fixed an issue that was causing, under certain conditions, the incoming caller ID to appear as “unknown”.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing, under certain conditions, the brightness level to go to zero when set to Automatic.
  • The network compatibility for several carriers has been enhanced.

The download itself doesn’t name the fixes ??

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If that is the case they probably didn’t have the issues or weren’t bothered enough to search the www for topics etc. so they don’t need to know about fixes for problems they likely never had.

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What I mean is that some people, like my daughter, never used it, so was not affected and had no idea there were any update issues. She isn’t a user of the forum ~ that’s my job :slight_smile:

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Just wondering if there is a specific topic for this issue?

I have yet to come across it on my ‘standard’ setup since Oct 2020

Just to clarify this is for the FP3 with Android 10 and you mention the FP4
Does that mean you are comparing it to a new FP4 you have and they have hardly been in circulation for much more than a week or two and use Android 11

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Fairphone are not in the habit of reading all the topics, so when a problem is discovered by a user it makes sense to contact support@fairphone\dot/com

Only where there is a post from Fairphone would this be unnecessary

As far as Martin_Mattausch-Wie’s about waiting for two months. There is already a new update going through google certification. If it wasn’t included in that it may be quite a while ~ hence the benefit of ensuring Fairphone can confirm the issue in order to address it.

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As mentioned Fairphone probably didn’t hear complaints from the Netherlands, which given the following is a bit or a concern.

Even though Vodafone Germany seem to be happy to work with Fairphone there was a 3 month wait for a fix for caller ID in Vodafone Germany ???


The next update is already going through google certification, so it may be worth asking Fairphone if they were aware of the problem with caller ID in the Netherlands and there is fix is in the next update or even further down the line.

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All pushed updates are via the networks who are supposed to check they work OK before the customers update.

As OldRoutard indicated you can download and install but
a) It’s a bit of a chore and
b) There may be a reason that Tiscali haven’t pushed it
c) Rollout to each Network/carrier takes some time, but sure you should have had a few updates by now. Contact your carrier

Here’s a screenshot of my Settings > System >

Try searching for update using the search option at the top

No search option either ???

It’s not down to the Fairphone app as I have uninstalled it.

Hi Jay_P
Yes I noticed it too. The title was also wrong but I could edit that :slight_smile:

Hi Matt and welcome to the forum.

I wonder if screen brightness is different on individual phones. The lowest setting I have is fine, though I can see why it could be more user friendly.

However I do use a dark theme so maybe that makes a significant difference.

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Maybe you’d like to try one of the mentioned apps?

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Software Update: 3.A.0134.20211116

Hi and welcome to the forum.

It’s unusual to see a Fairphone employee singing up :slight_smile:

As this is under the 0132 title I’m wondering if you have updated to the 0134 update and it is still the same?


5 posts were split to a new topic: Help needed after update to 3.A.0134.202111216

I got it on Vodafone Germany too, just installing. When ready, I will check the caller ID issue.
It’s restarting.
And it works, could see, that I was calling myself :smile:.