The European Fairphoners Community Trip is an international gathering of Fairphoners, that takes place in Amsterdam from 22nd to 28th of August 2016. Everyone can join and participate in the activities!
What happened at the EFCT16? ( SCHEDULE )
Click on the dates to see a short summary of each day and some photos.
9:00 - 18:00 | Cycling daytrip from Haarlem | Meeting 9:00 at apartment / 9:30 at Amsterdam Central Station / ~ 10:00 Haarlem Train Station | @Stefan
We will go to Haarlem by Train and rent a bike there. (Bring your own bike if you have one. A bike day ticket for the train is 6,10€, foldable bikes are free.). Then we will cycle the National Park Zuid-Kennemerland with its beautiful nature and sand dunes. Bring clothes for swimming, as we might go to the beach.
19:00 - Open end | Cooking together | Apartment | @Vinni
10:00 | Introduction to the Fairphone coffee machine and an introduction to the office.@Douwe
10:30 - 11:30 | Backcovers and extensions | @Douwe Fairphone designer James shows ideas for new possible extensions for the FP2 and how to involve the community.
11:30 - 12:30 | Community Events Discussion with Katie | @Douwe
What can Fairphone do to facilitate more Community events and what can we learn from each other about how to organize Fairphone community events (by the example of the Vienna community members).
12:30 | Lunch
13:30 - 15:00 | Meta Urban Mining Workshop | Inisghts into the Value Chain of Fairphone and an introduction to giving Urban Mining workshop with Bibi. | @Douwe**
15:30 - 17:30 | Flashing different Operating Systems to your FP2 | @Johannes
20:45 - 24:00 | Opening of DREAM OUT LOUD / Summer Party | Stedelijk Museum | @Stefan
The museum of modern arts in Amsterdam showcases the FP2 in a new exhibition. There will be some performances. You have to register here!
21:00 | Chain reaction, dance performance underneath Henk Stallinga’s light sculpture by ICK Amsterdam & Ballet National de Marseille
22:00 | Performance Digital Artefacts by Bart Hess with Melissa Spiccia
Some activities take place at the shared apartment (Kinkerstraat 21-1) some Fairphoners booked for the EFCT16 (see below) and some at the Fairphone office (Jollemannhof 17, 1019 GW Amsterdam).
Where to stay at the EFCT16?
A group of Fairphoners were staying in a 7-bed-appartment for the week.
Could be, yes! I guess the target group of such a trip are community leaders, as “normal” followers of the movement probably wouldn’t take part. More than one different workshops would be great (Fairphone’s message is diverse).
It is HUGE as I am finding out every day again over the course of these last two weeks
The urban mining workshop is one ‘vehicle’ to tell this story. Maybe we could come up with new ones and have documentation sprints for them or so. Many people have asked about template material that allows them to create awareness about fair electronics with Fairphone as the main example.
Thinking up new ways and creating the corresponding material might be a fun task to do with a group of people from the FP community.
As you a know (and are probably tired of hearing) by now; Fairphone is limited in time, resources and everything else. So if we want to get the message out that we have to fundamentally rethink the production of electronics we need to build a strong, smart and critical community to do that.
@Stefan just mentioned these people from whom he knows they are actively building local communities so they get notified about this topic. I’m sure everybody is invited and nobody has to be excluded.
I’m so excited! Would be really cool to meet all of you. I’m thinking we could rent a holiday home for a week. If we get 10-20 people to join that shouldn’t cost much per person.
Count me in! Amsterdam is a great city and i would love to got there again anyways.
I would say this is interesting for everybody. Anyways, you might be right that would have to be pretty enthusiastic to travel from Vienna to Amsterdam for a community meetup, but if you lived in the Netherlands or close to the border, it actually not that far for a one or two day trip.
Sorry, @Amber, I didn’t want to exclude anyone! :ohno:
As @paulakreuzer said, I wanted to notify these users:
And yeah, @Ben is also right, I kind of saw this from the Viennese perspective. I would not have dared to think that actually so many people would be interested! This is great! (It’s already time to think bigger! )
Thank you @paulakreuzer@ben@Stefan for clarifying this. Actually I was thinking about an entry in this directory for my town Düsseldorf. But relatively nearby Aachen was a day quicker than me, and I had questions about and didn’t really find a place to ask, so I finally refused to put me in.
I have subscribed at Fairphone for long time for participating in tests but didn’t get invitation yet. I would describe myself being relatively active in getting latest information and trying new inventions for Android and for Fairphone and helping people as far as I can with limited time. I am active in open source communities and like to meet and discuss with people.
Therefore my hope is to have open community talks and maybe getting to know each other personally rather than people who know each other discuss and talk only amongst each other. This was the background of my question.