If you end up in a situation, where your FP3 cannot get into fastboot on either slot, there is now an unbricking solution available using EDL/QDL mode.
In this situation the phone will usually already be in EDL mode (lsusb output):
Bus 001 Device 009: ID 05c6:9008 Qualcomm, Inc. Gobi Wireless Modem (QDL mode)
You can however force EDL mode by holding both volume-buttons during power on.
If your device comes up as:
Bus 001 Device 009: ID 05c6:900e Qualcomm, Inc.
Make sure you cannot enter Fastboot or EDL using the button combinations from a powered off state.
If it still comes up in this mode, refer to this very detailed guide:
For unbricking use GitHub - bkerler/edl: Inofficial Qualcomm Firehose / Sahara / Streaming / Diag Tools :)
And download unbrick.zip
Unzip the file into the same directory where you have edl.py, then run:
./edl.py wl unbrick --loader=unbrick/prog_emmc_firehose_8953_ddr.mbn && ./edl.py reset
After that you should be able to get back into fastboot and then flash the full stock dump from there:
You can use This flash script by @pigpig
Thanks to @basxto for helping to get this working.
Thanks to Fairphone/Arima for not setting the fuses and not validating the sbl1/firehose signatures
I do not (yet) own an FP3 myself.
If you like my work and want to help me to continue working on the FP3, please consider donating to me, to help me buy one:
Thank you all, for your generous donations
1 * 100
5 * 50
1 * 42.23
2 * 30
3 * 20
1 * 15
2 * 10
Total: 547.23 €