i know that’s adding to overall workload, but they could state that… At least some kind of answer (even automatic) might help the mood of customers (even if they didn’t read cases aren’t available beforehand… :-))
When I ordered the cases I saw no availability issues. When my order was confirmed also no hint about availability. The back covers are already paid - so I’d expect either to receive a refund or the back covers. Just letting the customer pay and then do not say anything for four weeks is not making any customer very happy.
Even now I do not see any hint in the web shop regarding availability of any back covers. So I was completely unaware about this issue until now
Is there any information about delivery times?
If you send in us an email and do not receive an answer within 48 hours, something else might be wrong. Maybe our reply got caught in your spam filter, maybe a mail server was misconfigured, maybe a support employee at Fairphone made a mistake.
But at any rate; when you are waiting this long; it is always good to send another email or give us a call to make sure.
New update.
Current # of open tickets: 1823
Current first reply time for new tickets: 47 hours
First reply time is a bit high, in comparison with last November.
I have a support request open 9 days ago, without answer.
I have a support request open 14 days ago without an answer - and I’m really starting to get annoyed, because it’s the third time since ordering my Fairphone that it doesn’t work or (in this case) doesn’t work properly. I still cherish the idea of this wonderful project - especially in times like this, when all phones are about to get more “closed up” - you can’t even change the batteries any longer, but a phone I can’t use is in no way better. And it’s not really a good marketing strategy, letting people run around for a few weeks without a phone, because it doesn’t work. My friends all start jesting when they again can’t reach me for some time (I’m the “never reachable fair person” now).
As things stand currently, the emphasis here needs to be on call.
Number and business hours are given on the support page.
If you want the support status updated here, a PM to @Douwe might do the trick.
There will be an update tomorrow and when I am back in the office on Wednesday, I can post it here in the forum.
but at any rate, 14 days is absurd. Please mail or call again.
I have to admit, I didn’t want to be annoying and be one of the people who constantly write to be heard. And, to be honest, I don’t feel capable of making a phone call in english - I’m not so sure about. But I think I’ll try tomorrow.
They also speak German and Dutch, and there is a fair chance that someone can help you in French, Spanish or Italian.
All right - that’s great, then.
So I don’t have to grope around for words. They come easily enough in writing, but if I have to talk they’re always gone.
New update.
We currently get 30% more calls and tickets compared to April
Current # of tickets: 5.154
- 2.013 new (created last week)
- 1.553 open (have been looked at, and assigned to a support representative.)
- 583 pending (waiting for an answer from customer to continue)
- 1.005 on hold (waiting for an external 3rd party to continue)
Current first reply time for new tickets: less then 235 hours (average over last 7 days)
Here is some extra information regarding calls:
- Incoming calls: 1.314
- Answered calls: 1.241
- Calls answered within 60 seconds: 90%
- Average handle time (minutes): 7:57
Less than 10 days???
Yes. The most important reason for this is that we started to calculate the first reply time in a new way. Before only the tickets from last week were taken into account, but now all tickets are used for this calculation.
I think this gives a better (but gloomier) idea as there has always been some difference between our first reply time numbers and the feedback I got here on the forum.
I called support yesterday and talked for 11 mins… so that will up the average.
Can it be that new messages by the user in tickets marked as “on hold” will not be answered (or only with a very low priority) until the 3rd party stepped in.
I feel like lots of people who write in the forum about issues with support fall into this category.
E.g. they write because they have an issue with the screen, support replies they’ll need a replacement but the screens are out of stock atm. Then if they write support again with an update of their issue they won’t get an answer for as long as displays are out of stock.
New update.
Current # of tickets: 5.275
2.039 new (created last week)
1.492 open (have been looked at, and assigned to a support representative.)
664 pending (waiting for an answer from customer to continue)
1.080 on hold (waiting for an external 3rd party to continue)
Current first reply time for new tickets: less then 232 hours (average over last 7 days)
Ah yeah, and average handle time of phone calls went down to 6:07. So @Friek, you need to try harder if you want to impact our numbers
Not nice to read, but thank you for the openness and transparency!
4 october 2017
Current # of tickets: 5.250
2.055 new (created last week)
1.424 open (have been looked at, and assigned to a support representative.)
637 pending (waiting for an answer from customer to continue)
1.134 on hold (waiting for an external 3rd party to continue)
Average first reply time for new tickets: 11 days.
On the positive side, we have 3 new customer support team members joining by the end of this month.