FP1(U): USB connector / part number and order information

Has the part number that Peter_A posted ever been confirmed? A friend of mine needs to buy a usb connector for his FP1(U). A little stone got stuck into his connector and when he poked it out, he somehow damaged the connector. Now he gets a too high voltage warning whenever he turns his phone on and the battery doesn’t load anymore. In a repairshop they told him that they have to change the usb, but that they don’t have spare parts for chinese phones. So it would be great for him to buy the right connector and bring it to the repair shop, because a new mainboard would be too expensive…


I fear my USB-connector is also broken (but to check it by disassembling still stands at my plan)

My question: does anybody know, if FP itself does FIX broken USB-connectors or do they only replace the motherboard (which would not a very sustainable way to go) if FPs are sent in for repair?

What a pitty, that FP did not solve the quite early stated weak point (see quote below) of the USB connector strength…it was dedicated to break sooner or later…
Cheers, Robert

Findings of the restart project about an early FP1 prototype (Oct 3, 2013)

“In addition to this, we have identified another possible weak point in
the microUSB connector, which looks as if it is held just by the
soldering (there might be glue as well). The problem is that the stress
of the insertion/ejection of the USB connector will be dealt with
entirely with the soldering points, which could reduce its durability.
One alternative design for a future model could involve putting it on a
small cable and connector so it can be replaced and won’t damage the
main board if broken.”

Edit: Maybe @anon90052001 can provide us with an information about this?
For reasons of transparency you could also feed us with some numbers of infected / sent-in FP1 with a broken USB-connetor?
(Although I know it would not count as advertisement for FP, but anyway all FP1s are already sold and you for sure included this for the FP2 in “lessons learned from developing two fairphones”, right?)


Hi urs_lesse, tride that - and nope, the only offer is to sell me a new mainboard. And as it is out of stock both for the FP1 and for the FP1U right now, I’m not even sure if that would be possible.

Anyway: I am NOT willing to spent more than 120 Euros (incl. shipping) for a new mainboard - with the perspective of having to do so again every other year! A part from the considerable costs, this is not really sustainable considering the raw materials a mainboard is made from…

I’m still trying to find someone here in my region who would dare to give soldering a try.

I am deeply dissappointed about Fairphone policies on dealing with this obviously well known predetermined breaking point. My FP experience will end here.


Sorry to hear. And sorry for creating false hopes, I certainly won’t do so again.

No, I’m glad you tried to help - thanks a lot for that. :smile:

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Tina, the FP1 is just a “normal China” phone build by the OEM who was ask to use fair solder during the process. I’m sad to say it, but it’s just a very normal phone, not designed to last very long. But it was the start for the FP project and they had to make a lot of compromises. And it … at least … partly, worked! The FP2 fixes a few of those issues by being more modular (and by being more expensive … and using a not so nice SoC …).

I’m sure someone with the right desolder station (expensive) and a bino can fix it. With a normal solder the SMD pins are too small to get this right :frowning:

I wonder if a super glue coating of the usb part will help protecting the still intact FP1s? Or will that make things even worse? Any ideas?

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In the Austrian Fairphoners Facebook group someone said, the repair of the USB connector was 39€, in a phone store in Vienna. I’m sure, wherever you are from, there are also phone stores, which can deal with these issues.


3 posts were split to a new topic: Is FP1(U)'s soldered USB connector a predetermined breaking point?

It seems like I would have a similiar / the same problem. Nearly all repair services in Munich regret to repair a fairphone, but they said, that not the “pins” of the USB port a broken, but the contact on (!) the motherboard. Therefore it is not possible to repair.

Then I found a repair service in Zwickau, Germany:

They say, that they know the problem and will fix it for ~80€. The answer to my quote was 20 minutes or something!

P.S. Sorry for my technical english, I hope you will understand…


Just as a general information:
I thought that I will also have a broken USB connector, bacause I was only able to charge the phone with the original loader properly (1Amp = 5Watts), if I try to use certain cable positions.

But I tried a cleaning of the connector (both, of the FP and of the cable) without opening the FP.
And it seems to help (not yet 100% satisfied, but it was a first try). It is at least ways better!!

I used an (old) electrical tooth brush (not wet!!) to reach all visible parts of the connector.

I also just thought about to use some kind of alcohol or special connector-cleaning liquid, but didn’t try this yet, because I want to avoid any demage to the materials and have to think about what to use. (I think Isopropanol should be working…)

So all people bothering with charging problems should also first check for a dusty connector!
Plus: I did not notice any “movement” of the USB connector, thus it is most likely in deed not broken.

Cheers, Robert

Hi all.

My USB connector broke a while back. I took the phone to a local mobile phone shop and they fixed it for £25, which I was happy with. It’s been fine since then, which was about 4 or 5 months ago.
The man who fixed it said it was much more difficult to fix than most phones, as there was very little space around the USB connector.
Having this done has probably voided the warranty for the phone, but it was either that or buy a new motherboard, which isn’t cheap.



I don’t believe your connector fits very well. I don’t recommend it.

The original part is from Shenzhen’Linkconn’Electronics (http://www.linkconncn.com/), but it does not appear on theier website anymore.
A footprint compatible part is manufactured by Molex and available from Farnell via
MOLEX 105017-0001.
Good luck, soldering the little something is quite a challenge.


With a good soldering iron and someone experienced in soldering, I would say that is possible. In my last internship I was soldering contacts equally small by hand

Hi Martin,

Where are you in the UK / which phone shop was it? I just tried to get a local phone shop to fix mine and they’ve made the problem worse - my phone won’t turn on any more! I’m hoping I can find someone who can fix this as it wasn’t backed up

Thank you!

Hi Joelle.

I just used a local shop in Bradford around the corner from my work. I just chose that one because it was convenient and because I couldn’t find any bad reviews of it in the Web. The guy who fixed the USB port said that it was trickier to fix than most phones because there was very little space for him to work with.

If Bradford’s any use to you, I’ll find out the shop’s details and let you know.

How that helps,


Congratulations to Nicedears ! You did a perfect solder job.

I tried it myself and left behind a battlefield. I haven’t tested the proximity sensor yet. It got quite a battering.
Farnell offers the correct replacement for the Fairphone USB socket: [Molex 105017-0001][1].

I think I found while trying to remove the old connector a flaw in the layout design of the motherboard. It was really hard to get the surplus solder out of the THT holes for the two back pins of the connector housing. There were no thermal reliefs for these holes, therefore the solder joint wasn’t optimal in the first place, because the planes around the holes sucked the heat out of the joint before the solder melted properly.

I filed these two pins of the new connector a little tinner in order to fit in the not empty holes.
Attached are a few pictures of my little soldering adventure. At least the USB port did work after the replacement, although looking at the pictures one might guess otherwise …

The disjointed housing pins and the lifted SMD pads.

Backside of the disjoind housing pins. Note the hole with the ripped out pin still inside and the lack of thermal reliefs.

The battlefield after the operation …

Good luck to everybody else trying ! :v: :wink:
[1]: http://uk.farnell.com/molex/105017-0001/micro-usb-2-0-type-b-receptacle/dp/2293836


Thanks Martin,

I’m in York so not a million miles away, however I found another phone shop in York and it looks as if the first place killed my phone. :frowning:

Thanks anyway!

Just for sake of completeness: If you did not find my previous post in other threads, here you have my suggestion to check (in addition to my post above):
Try to clean your USB connector of the FP1 - it solved my charging problems completely:

Cheers, Robert

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Whoa, That was a battle,
My MicroUSB port got unsoldered as many of you know the problem
So, I followed this tutorial:

unsoldered everything
Cleaned every pad
I had BAD LUCK and 2 of the pads where broken, so I had to scratch some of the plastic to uncover some copper beneath.
Then, I resoldered the microUSB …

It really really was a pain, but I took a scope, a microsoldering station and lots of patience !

I am unsure if the proximity sensor or the light sensor got destroyed … they may have but at that point it was
No phone
a phone without proximity sensor and light sensor (which to me seemed a better option !)

I hope this helps !


After successfully soldering the mini-USB housing back onto the motherboard, I wanted to share my little work-around.

Starting condition: Entire housing was loose. When I removed the motherboard, the housing came off by itself. The four socket-pins of the housing were intact, leaving four holes in the motherboard.

Challenge: Solder the housing firmly onto the motherboard, while connecting the five tiny contacts (I just had a very standard soldering iron).

Solution: Bend all five contacts outward to ensure they would really touch the contacts on the motherboard. While pressing the entire housing into the four holes with some pliers, I soldered the bigger two front socket-pins from the backside of the motherboard.

Notes: It took a while to get the remaining metal to melt. But once it did, it filled the gap between socket-pin and the motherboard nicely and firmly. It’s important to position the housing, the outward-bent five contacts and the pliers well.

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