🇩🇪 🇬🇧 Stuttgart Fairphoners Meetings / Treffen / Community

Wie wäre es mit 22-28.8. in Amsterdam? :wink:

Oder in Stuttgart mit livestream nach Amsterdam gleichzeitig mit anderen localcommunities ?

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Schöne Idee… sollte es an dem WE vielen passen, dann schlage ich es vor. Persönlich kann ich leider nicht.

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Hi all,
I’m trying to set up a new meeting for the end of September or October. Please contact me for the doodle link.

yes, I’d be interested, but I can’t contact you directly, yet.
Please keep me updated, thanks! :slight_smile:

hi. leider habe ich selber kein fairphone, aber ich mache demnächst in der nähe - aalen - eine ausstellung, bei der es um nachhaltige computer und smartphones geht. hat jemand von euch vielleicht irgendwelche dinge rund ums fairphone (schachtel, t-shirt, tasse, ladegerät, etc.) die er uns für ein paar wochen als leihgabe überlassen könnte? (http://um-welthaus.de/ausstellung-alle-zwei-jahre-ein-neues/). vielleicht könnten wir sogar ein treffen arrangieren. nebenbei übrigens die idee, dass ihr euch fürs nächste treffen im welthaus stuttgart trefft (http://welthaus-stuttgart.de/)

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Auch hier der Hinweis auf den Bastelbogen für ein maßstabsgetreues Papp-Fairphone mit allen Modulen zum Ein- und Ausbauen (ich habe es selbst schon ausprobiert und es klappt! :slight_smile: ) sowie auf das ausleihbare echte Community Fairphone. Egal, ob ihr selber bastelt oder das echte FP2 ausleiht – Viel Erfolg! :thumbsup:

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coole ideen! danke. hab gleich mal kontktiert…

Anybody interested in a new meetup in Stuttgart? How about February?


February would be great, but unfortunately the month is almost over…
Still a chance in the last few days? Or in March?
I am the happy owner of a F2 since several months. I would appreciate to meet people to share experience


I would be happy to visit a Stuttgart meetup in march. ATM I am abroad with limited internet, so I cannot take care about a doodle list. @channel who wants to help out?


I am back in Stuttgart and could take care about a doodle list, but I saw that @Friek sends links to these lists via pm. Why is that? Any concerns when I publish an open list?

Also: Who of the former participants is available in March?


I’m not in Stuttgart, but have organized the Aachen meetings a couple of times now. There is no rule on how to handle the scheduling link, Düsseldorf has now posted one publicly, I prefer to only send it via PM or email. My intention is to be able to keep track of who participates in the poll, primarily to be able to contact them directly at short notice should it be necessary (scheduling changes, reconsidering the vote if the chosen options are very few etc.).

I would be very much interested (even though I’m Heidelberg based). Is anything in the making?

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If travelling is no problem to you, you might be better off with the meetup in Düsseldorf. It’s already on Sunday, if I’m not mistaken.

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Thanks a lot! That does sound very interesting (and North Rhine Westphalia seems to have very active fairphoners). Unfortunately, I have to work on Sunday and cannot make it to Düsseldorf in time. But I am going to keep an interested eye on it from afar.

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I just had a look at it right now.
The Doodle-Link from @Friek isn`t available anymore - maybe timed out?

Hi bennett.

Heidelberg is nearer to Karlsruhe - I am there :wink: - but I don`t know if other Fairphoners also… but I am also on the weekends often in Stuttgart (roundabout every two weeks).

Check out the map: :smiley:

Folks, there is so much interest in a new Stuttgart get-together (in our Facebook group it’s the most “fairphone-rich” German city of all) – just get in touch with each other directly through private messages, it just takes a first step :thumbsup: @vinni @friek @vordprefect @gitbreaker222 @carlaboe