European Fairphoners Community Trip to Amsterdam (#EFCT16) (22-28/8/16)

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday

Everyone of the apartment Fairphoners have arrived happily and, after taking some hurdles (they hadn’t told us that we have to check in at the other end of the city, and they had told us the wrong street number “out of security reasons” :stuck_out_tongue:), we are now preparing our first dinner together.

Sleeping at the apartment are @iratxe, @amber, @paulakreuzer, @Stanzi, @Stefan, @Vinni and @werner_noebauer. @Irina_Spitznagel and @Douwe also joined us for the evening to have dinner with us.

Here is a picture:

(f. l. t. r.: @Irina_Spitznagel, @werner_noebauer, @amber, @Douwe, @iratxe, @vinni, @paulakreuzer)

##The European Fairphoners Community Trip 2016 has officially begun!

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday