Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday
Day 3
We all wore our Dutch underwear today (that’s even more funny because we found a mysterious underwear on the toilet that doesn’t belong to anyone of us… ) and went cycling (like the locals do!). The apartment crew and @Irina_Spitznagel were joined by @AlbertJP. We went to Haarlem (it’s a 15mins train ride and trains go every 7 (!) mins in rush hour), and rented bikes there. @Vinni, @werner_noebauer , @Stanzi, @paulakreuzer and @Stefan even got tandem bikes!
The VW (@Vinni and @Werner_noebauer)
@Iratxe enjoys trying out a tandem bike.
f.l.t.r.: @iratxe, @Stanzi, @Stefan, @Amber, @paulakreuzer, @werner_noebauer, @AlbertJP, @Vinni, @Irina_Spitznagel
Then we went through the nearby National Park Zuid-Kennemerland and after 2 hours we arrived at the sea. After our sporty bike trip the water was great!
We ended the day at the apartment, where we had Chili-sin-Carne-Wraps - made by chef @Vinni - with Hummus and Avocado cream.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday