in diesem Thread findet ihr die Infos für die Stuttgarter Treffen.
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Dear all,
this thread offers info for the Stuttgart meetups. To get info via mail, please register for the newsletter.
- The Stuttgart Angels -
old first postDear all,
who is interested in a cafe meeting or something similar and lives somewhere around Stuttgart?
We might wait until the FP2s arrive but everybody is invited (even if you are only interested in FP or just find it cool what they do). @Friek already said she would be interested
Current status: I sent out doodle links to everybody interested as of Nov 11. We decided to wait for scheduling the meeting until we know when the first FP2s will be available. The meeting might then be in early December or so. To quickly be able to find a common date as soon as we know about the shipment, I’d like you to add your availability to the doodle-link I sent to everybody interested.
If you want to join us, please catch my attention with a post or message.
PS: Can edit this from a different computer!
I am afraid, you have to do the get-together without me. I’m going to have a very stressful time over Christmas and I’m going to leave Germany the first days of the new year so I am probably no able to join you. Anybody interested in organizing the rest? I think we already had a place in mind (Königsbau-Passagen).
Hi, the doodle we had only went up to the end of December. Most of us wanted to wait until our phones arrived. I would start a new doodle for February, hoping the phones have arrived by then.
I have sent a message with the new doodle link and have added all the new participants into the message-correspondance-thread. I hope you received all the infos. @Stefan: I do not have a twitter account. If you are contacted there, could you please forward the new doodle-link?