It looks like the unlocking implementation changed in one of the recent versions (maybe with the switch to Android 10). I am trying to look into this once more.
A few questions:
What Fairphone OS version do you have?
Are you connected to the internet (e.g. Wifi) while unlocking?
Could you try to obtain a logcat when trying to unlock?
Something like adb logcat | grep Oem would be nice, but you probably want to check the output before posting as it might contain your IMEI and Serialnumber.
Android version : 9
Build number : 8901.2.A.0111.20200131
I am connected to the internet through my sim card (if I use wifi it will try to upgrade to android 10 which I red is unwanted for my purpose).
I see, it is not just the code on the phone that changed but also the code on the fairphone website backend. So to unlock your phone using that website you need to be running a more recent version, probably Android 10.
You can try to generate an unlock code with the unofficial script / website mentioned here:
PS: You can remove the logcat output from your post as it doesn’t provide any relevant info.
I’ve had a similar problem trying to unlock an FP3+. Neither code generated by either the official for the alternative web site worked, but I found fastboot oem 8901_unlock works, which makes enabling unlocking on the phone a bit redundant.
This command is not being officially communicated, it was found by clever examination. It looks to me like this mainly exists as a tool for support and repair folks for the same situations in which it helps users here now.
As I just got a new F3+ I am trying to in stall /e/ os in F3+, in Developer Option I have been trying to unlock the OEM which call for a code.
After getting the IMEI (slot 1) number and the Serial number, went to get the code at and
One after another none of these codes worked, each time at the bottom of the screen a small message pops up “Inner Unknown failure” while the another message says “Processing”
With ADB adb reboot bootloader the phone screen menu says “DEVICE STATE - locked”
Got the latest F3+ buitd 3.A.0054. and thoroughly imput the IMEI (slot 1) and the SN without typo.
Fastboot oem unlock command does not work either.
Did a factory reset still doesn’t work !
Please help!
I tried to unlock the F3+ Bootlader by following the procedure described in the link above :
I received a code but my keyboard displays numbers only. I wrote the code in text message, copied it and pasted, but I have a message : wrong password…
The letters a deleted to keep only the numbers when I paste the code
Hi @rohan, that’s strange. The unlocking seems to fail because the request returns the status 404 Not Found. The most likely problem is that the unlock code is wrong. Is it possible that you filled in an old unlock code? It is important to know that any new request for an unlock code invalidates the previous unlock codes.
Try unlocking with the code that you just generated.
When doing that and if fails again, can you please verify that the logs show the correct IMEI, serial number, and unlock code?
One other strange thing is the message in your logs OemLockVerifier: WARNING: Hostname is not matched for cert. The certificate should be for (the current one has fingerprint SHA-256 93:CE:7B:13:80:F8:A1:0F:2A:44:10:EF:43:7E:89:88:54:CD:09:58:73:A1:C5:51:DC:82:B0:29:D5:73:E0:CE). Is it possible that you are using a proxy or anything that would strip the certificate?
Edit: Clarified that the code must be generated from the website
Thanks @jftr. In my case I noticed from the logs that the last digit of IMEI1 was removed, supposedly an issue witnessed with my provider, whether it be Fairphone or any other device. Bizarre but true. Removed the SIM card, post which the device started reporting all of the 16 digts and the un-lock worked. Thank you for your help! Cheers,