An update from our CEO: Reported software issues and our next steps

Originally published at: An update from our CEO: Reported software issues and our next steps - Fairphone

February Update

Last month we were happy to share that we had made significant progress and addressed most of the reported issues in our latest software update. Our investigation into the “no audio until restart” issue was, however, still ongoing.

Today, we would like to share some more positive news: our team has identified the root cause of this audio issue and will provide a fix in the upcoming software update. We are working hard to make this update available before the end of February.

Please note that some Fairphone 3 and 3+ users may receive this update sooner than others, depending on your network provider. Once the update is available, you’ll receive a push notification to update automatically.

Thank you once again to you, our community, for flagging these issues to our customer support team, for sharing your troubleshooting findings with us, and for your patience while we thoroughly investigated. We appreciate your support.

All the best,

January Update

Hi everyone, I’d like to kick off 2021 with some encouraging news about our ongoing efforts to fix the issues mentioned below: Our latest software update for Fairphone 3 and Fairphone 3+ users is now available.

As promised, we’ve incorporated the following fixes:

  • Fixed an issue that was causing, under certain conditions, a phone to reboot while calling or using specific Wi-Fi networks.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing, under certain conditions, the microphone to stop working until the phone was rebooted.
  • Adjusted the sensitivity of the touchscreen to avoid potential “ghost touches” under certain circumstances.

While we are happy that this tremendous team-effort addresses most of the reported issues, we’re not quite ready to call it a day until we patch every last issue. So, we are still investigating the root cause of the “no audio until restart” issue, and we’re following up on all possible random reboot origins. As always, should you experience any problems with your Fairphone, please do not hesitate to reach out. Our customer support team will take care of you.

And finally, more detailed information about the roll-out of our software updates:
Each software version we release needs to be tested by our network operator partners. This process takes longer with some partners than with others. To make these updates available as soon as possible, we release our software as soon as each partner has approved it to customers on that network. This means the software update will be available sooner for some customers than for others – but rest assured we are working hard to make sure every customer receives it as soon as possible.

That means that depending on your network provider, some of you may receive this update later. Once the update is available, you’ll receive a push notification to update automatically.

All the best,

December Update

Today, I’m happy to share some good news with you all finally. We have a fix on the horizon for some of the reported issues. After more than 45.000 calls logged and analyzed, we better understand the different symptoms and their root causes. We are currently incorporating fixes into our next scheduled software update that address issues around random reboots. It’s slated for release in January. Please bear with us as we prepare this update for roll-out.

As for the “ghost touches” and calls not connecting on the first attempt, we have partnered with our manufacturer, the touch screen vendor, and Qualcomm. We have promising leads, but further investigation is needed before we can implement the fixes.

In the meantime, if you are experiencing an issue with your Fairphone 3 and you are not sure whether it’s one of the three mentioned above, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our customer support team will log your issue and personally notify you, as soon as we have news.

Many thanks,

November Update

A month after my initial report about the software-related quality issues, I have a progress update for you.
I’d like to start by sharing that I realize how annoying this disruption must be. I would like to ask you for a bit more of your patience and thank you all for your feedback. Even though it seems that only a few of you are experiencing these issues, that is still “a few” too many. Restoring an optimal experience for all of our customers is our highest priority and we are working around the clock to get it done.

As promised, I want to share with you today how far we’ve come in our investigation and what we’ve done to achieve this.
A month ago we started with logging data from our Fairphone colleagues who experienced the issues, to track down the origin. We’ve then ramped up efforts to collect as much relevant information as possible, together with our own experts and external support from knowledgeable partners. As it stands, we have logged data from over 12.000 calls in several countries across Europe testing under different scenarios and circumstances. So far, we have not been able to reproduce the reported “ghost touches” and the problem with calls not connecting on the first attempt. Rest assured that we will continue our investigation until both problems are solved. As for the issue of random reboots, we have successfully captured seven logs.

While it has been very challenging and time-consuming to reproduce this problem, the outcome is promising for two reasons:

  1. The limited number of reproduced issues confirms that the problem itself is very contained.
  2. We now have the necessary data to analyze and solve the issue.

Based on these logs, we are following a solid lead to address the random reboots. If you are experiencing any of these issues mentioned, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer support, who are personally reviewing each case.

I will be back with another update as soon as we know more. Thank you again!

October Report

A month ago, I was proud to share our latest milestone with all of you – the launch of the Fairphone 3+ and our upgraded modules. Today, we’re reminded that the journey of building an ethical smartphone company is not without its ups and downs. In both cases, I’d like to reach out and personally update everyone, so let’s get straight into it:

Currently, some Fairphone 3 and 3+ owners are experiencing disruptive software-related issues. Our community was quick to flag this to us, both on the forum and to our customer support. So we are aware and working hard to find the root cause. While our investigation is still ongoing, I would like to apologize for the inconvenience and get everyone up to speed on the situation.

Known issues

Although only a small number of customers seem to be affected, we realize that some of these issues impact them significantly. Obviously, making sure that everyone has the best possible Fairphone experience is our top priority. Some of the key problems being reported to us are the following :

– During calls the phone reboots randomly
– Calls not always connecting on the first attempt
– So called “ghost touches”, meaning random, unwanted touch input

Finding the root cause

Reproducing the issues mentioned above is key in finding the root cause and creating a solution. Both of our teams – here in Amsterdam and in Taipei – are on top of it, reviewing the reports and attempting to reproduce the issues. Our biggest challenge is that our engineers in Taiwan can’t yet reproduce some key issues. This points to a possible connection between the reported bugs and European mobile networks.

Working towards a solution

We are ramping up efforts to identify the root cause. As this occurs randomly, our team in Amsterdam is collecting information in order to find a pattern to reproduce the issue. As a first step, we started to log data from our Fairphone colleagues, to track down the origin. We relay this information directly to our team in Taiwan. If it turns out that we need more data in a shorter time span, we will broaden this group to supporters from our community.

If you are experiencing random reboots, when contacting our customer support team, please include the following:

  • Your Network Operator(s)
  • The country where you are experiencing the issue
  • The build number of your phone (settings > about phone > build number)
  • Steps to reproduce the issue. (For example, if it happens after using certain apps, making a call, etc.)
  • Whether or not you are using an SD card
  • The frequency of the issue

In the meantime, each case will be personally reviewed by our customer support team. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience, but thank you for your patience and understanding. As soon as we have more information, I will update this blogpost.

Deutschsprachige Kunden finden das übersetzte Update hier >>

Clients francophones, veuillez trouver la mise à jour traduite ici >>


I wished the German and French version would be available not just as a PDF. And the PDF doesn’t seem to allow copying text, or is anyone else able to do that?

Anyway, text recognition provides this (I tried to recreate some of the structuring elements):

German translation


Vor gut einem Monat konnte ich endlich unseren neuen Meilenstein mit euch allen teilen- Das Fairphone 3+ und die aktualisierten Module. Die heutige Nachricht ist weniger erfreulich, doch ebenso wichtig, denn der Weg zu einer nachhaltigeren Elektronik Industrie verläuft leider nicht ohne Höhen und Tiefen.ln beiden Fällen möchte ich euch alle persönlich auf den neuesten Stand bringen. Also legen wir los:

Momentan haben einige Fairphone 3 und 3+ Besitzer mit einschränkenden Softwareproblemen zu tun. Unsere Community hat uns zügig darauf hingewiesen, sodass wir direkt reagieren konnten und entsprechende Untersuchungen eingeleitet haben. Wir arbeiten unermüdlich daran die Ursache zu finden, doch indessen möchte ich mich für die Unannehmlichkeiten entschuldigen und unsere Maßnahmen bekannt geben.

Gemeldete Probleme

Obwohl die Anzahl der Betroffenen Kunden relativ gering ist, sind wir uns bewusst, dass die gemeldeten Software Störungen erhebliche Auswirkungen auf den tagtäglichen Gebrauch haben. Natürlich ist es unsere oberste Priorität, das bestmögliche Fairphone-Erlebnis zu ermöglichen. Daher arbeiten wir mit Hochdruck an einer Lösung für die folgenden, gemeldeten Fehler:

-Plötzliche Neustarts bei Telefonanrufen
-Anrufe werden nicht immer beim ersten Versuch verbunden
-Sogenannte “Ghost Touches”, d.h. zufällige, unerwünschte Touch-eingaben


Die Reproduktion der oben genannten Probleme ist der Schlüssel, um die Ursache und so eine Lösung zu finden. Unsere beiden Software-Teams- hier in Amsterdam und in Taipeh- arbeiten daran, überprüfen die Berichte und sind der Ursache auf der Spur. Unsere größte Herausforderung besteht darin, dass unsere Ingenieure in Taiwan die Probleme bisher noch nicht reproduzieren können. Dies deutet auf einen möglichen Zusammenhang zwischen den gemeldeten Fehlern und europäischen Mobilfunknetzen hin.

Der Weg zur Lösung

Wir intensivieren unsere Bemühungen, die Ursache zu finden. Da die Fehler zufällig geschehen, sammelt unser Team in Amsterdam Informationen, um ein Muster zu finden, mit dem sich das Problem reproduzieren lässt. ln einem ersten Schritt haben wir begonnen, Daten von unseren Fairphone-Kollegen zu protokollieren. Diese Informationen leiten wir direkt an unser Team in Taiwan weiter. Wenn sich herausstellt, dass wir mehr Daten in kürzerer Zeit benötigen, werden wir diese Gruppe auf Unterstützeraus unserer Gemeinschaft ausweiten.

Wenn ihr zufällige Neustarts bemerkt, meldet es bitte unserem Kundensupport-Team. Bitte gebt dabei die folgenden Informationen an:

• Den Netzbetreiber
• Das Land, in dem das Problem auftritt
• Die Build-Nummer des Fairphones (Einstellungen> über Telefon> Build-Nummer)
• Schritte zur Reproduktion des Problems. (Zum Beispiel, wenn dies nach der Verwendung bestimmterAppsoder nach einem Anruf usw. geschieht)
• Ob eine SD-Karte verwendet wird oder nicht
• Die Häufigkeit des Problems.

In der Zwischenzeit wird jeder Fall persönlich von unserem Kundenbetreuungsteam geprüft. Ich entschuldige mich aufrichtig für die Unannehmlichkeiten und möchte mich für eure Geduld und euer Verständnis bedanken. Sobald wir mehr Informationen haben, werde ich diesen Blogpost aktualisieren.

French translation


Il y a un mois, j’étais fière de partager avec vous tous le lancement du Fairphone 3+ et de nos modules améliorés. Aujourd’hui, il nous est rappelé une nouvelle fois que le parcours de création d’une entreprise de smartphones éthiques comporte des hauts et des bas. Dans les deux cas, j’aimerais vous informer personnellement, alors allons droit au but.

Actuellement, certains propriétaires de Fairphone 3 et 3+ rencontrent des problèmes liés au logiciel. Notre communauté n’a pas tardé à nous le signaler, à la fois sur le forum et auprès de notre service client. Nous en sommes donc conscients et travaillons dur pour en trouver la cause principale. Pendant que notre recherche est toujours en cours, je tiens à m’excuser pour la gêne occasionnée et à mettre tout le monde au courant de la situation.

Problèmes connus

Bien que seul un petit nombre de clients semble être concerné, nous nous rendons compte que certains de ces problèmes les impactent considérablement. De toute évidence, faire en sorte que chacun ait la meilleure expérience Fairphone possible est notre priorité absolue. Certains des problèmes clés qui nous sont signalés sont les suivants :
  • Pendant les appels, le téléphone redémarre de manière impromptue
  • Les appels ne fonctionnent pas toujours à la première tentative
  • «touches fantômes» : ce qui signifie une saisie tactile aléatoire et indésirable.

Trouver la cause principale

Reproduire les problèmes mentionnés ci-dessus est essentiel pour trouver la cause et une solution. Nos deux équipes - ici à Amsterdam et à Taipei - sont sur la question, examinent les rapports et tentent de reproduire les problèmes. Notre plus grand défi est que nos ingénieurs à Taiwan ne peuvent pas encore reproduire certains problèmes clés. Cela peut laisser penser à une relation possible entre les bugs signalés et les réseaux mobiles européens.

Travailler vers une solution

Nous intensifions nos efforts pour identifier la cause principale. Comme cela se produit de manière aléatoire, notre équipe d'Amsterdam collecte des informations afin de trouver une procédure pour reproduire le problème. Dans un premier temps, nous avons commencé à enregistrer les données de nos employés Fairphone, pour en retrouver l'origine. Nous transmettons ces informations directement à notre équipe à Taiwan. S'il s'avère que nous avons besoin de plus de données dans un laps de temps plus court, nous élargirons ce groupe aux membres actifs de notre communauté.

Si vous rencontrez des redémarrages aléatoires et que vous n’avez pas encore contacté notre équipe de support client, veuillez le faire. Ce faisant, veuillez inclure les informations suivantes:

• Votre (vos) opérateur(s) réseau
• Pays dans lequel vous rencontrez le problème
• Le numéro de build de votre téléphone (paramètres > à propos du téléphone > numéro de build)
• Etapes pour reproduire le problème. (Par exemple, si cela se produit après avoir utilisé certaines applications, passé un appel, etc.)
• Que vous utilisiez ou non une carte SD
• La fréquence du problème.

En attendant, chaque cas sera examiné personnellement par notre équipe de support client. Je m’excuse sincèrement pour la gêne occasionnée, et vous remercie pour votre patience et votre compréhension. Dès que nous aurons plus d’informations, je mettrai à jour cet article de blog.

Dutch translation

(DeepL translation)

Een maand geleden was ik trots om onze laatste mijlpaal met jullie te delen - de lancering van de Fairphone 3+ en onze geüpgrade modules. Vandaag worden we eraan herinnerd dat de reis van het bouwen van een ethisch smartphonebedrijf niet zonder ups en downs is. In beide gevallen wil ik graag iedereen bereiken en persoonlijk op de hoogte houden, dus laten we er meteen mee aan de slag gaan:

Op dit moment hebben sommige Fairphone 3 en 3+ eigenaren te maken met storende software-gerelateerde problemen. Onze community heeft ons dit snel duidelijk gemaakt, zowel op het forum als bij onze klantenservice. We zijn ons er dus van bewust en werken er hard aan om de hoofdoorzaak te vinden. Terwijl ons onderzoek nog gaande is, wil ik me verontschuldigen voor het ongemak en iedereen op de hoogte brengen van de situatie.

Bekende problemen

Hoewel slechts een klein aantal klanten getroffen lijkt te zijn, beseffen we dat een aantal van deze kwesties een aanzienlijke impact op hen hebben. Uiteraard is het onze topprioriteit om ervoor te zorgen dat iedereen de best mogelijke Fairphone-ervaring heeft. Enkele van de belangrijkste problemen die ons worden gemeld zijn de volgende:

  • Tijdens gesprekken wordt de telefoon op willekeurige momenten opnieuw opgestart
  • Oproepen maken bij de eerste poging niet altijd verbinding
  • Zogenaamde “ghost touches”, dat wil zeggen willekeurige, ongewenste aanrakingsinput

Het vinden van de hoofdoorzaak

Het reproduceren van de hierboven genoemde problemen is essentieel voor het vinden van de hoofdoorzaak en het creëren van een oplossing. Onze beide teams - hier in Amsterdam en in Taipei - zitten er bovenop, bekijken de rapporten en proberen de problemen te reproduceren. Onze grootste uitdaging is dat onze ingenieurs in Taiwan sommige belangrijke problemen nog niet kunnen reproduceren. Dit wijst op een mogelijk verband tussen de gerapporteerde bugs en de Europese mobiele netwerken.

Werken aan een oplossing

We zijn de inspanningen aan het opvoeren om de hoofdoorzaak te achterhalen. Omdat dit op willekeurige momenten gebeurt, verzamelt ons team in Amsterdam informatie om een patroon te vinden om het probleem te reproduceren. Als eerste stap zijn we begonnen met het loggen van gegevens van onze Fairphone-collega's, om de oorsprong op te sporen. We geven deze informatie direct door aan ons team in Taiwan. Als blijkt dat we meer data nodig hebben in een kortere tijdsspanne, zullen we deze groep verbreden naar supporters uit onze community.

Als u te maken heeft met willekeurige heropstarten, neem dan bij het contact opnemen met ons klantenserviceteam, het volgende op:

  • Uw netwerkbeheerder(s)
  • Het land waar u het probleem ondervindt
  • Het buildnummer van uw telefoon (instellingen > over telefoon > buildnummer)
  • Stappen om de kwestie te reproduceren. (Bijvoorbeeld, als het gebeurt na het gebruik van bepaalde apps, het maken van een oproep, enz.)
  • Of u wel of niet een SD-kaart gebruikt
  • De frequentie van het probleem

In de tussentijd zal elk geval persoonlijk worden beoordeeld door ons klantenserviceteam. Ik verontschuldig me oprecht voor het ongemak, maar dank u voor uw geduld en begrip. Zodra we meer informatie hebben, zal ik deze blogpost updaten.


Can this post be made available in Dutch, by any chance? I know there’s lots of Dutch speakers who would be helped by that.


I added the French text in my above post as well, I’ll now convert that post into a Wiki post, so please help and correct the text(s) where text recognition failed. Please do not add comments or your own thoughts in the Wiki post.


I’ve added a Dutch translation made with DeepL, which did an impressive job as always.


I have been affected by this from the time Android updated to Android 10. Before, the performance was not satisfactory, but at least my most important apps worked. Since then, the whole situation is miserable, and de facto I have been without a mobile phone for 2 months, which is why I want to give back the phone now.
For me, the issue is clearly connected to the fact that neither Fairphone nor Google test Android respectively the cooperation of Android with the system properly before sending it out to the public, and this points to the absolute irresponsibility of sorftware venders concerning flaws in their products. I am using one of the biggest providers worldwide in one of the best networks in Germany (Telekom) with a standard usage contract, and I simply expect a mobile phone in that pricing category to work properly after a software upgrade as I expect that from any other valuable product I buy.
To the address of Fairphone: It does not help to again and again supply customers with a new phone/mainboard and not inform them for weeks that You are working on the root cause. The whole process of going to the UPS station, sending in the phone, getting it back and experiencing the same as before when it comes back “repaired” is a nuisance!

Ariane Rüdiger


Hi Urs,

du kannst das PDF einfach direkt mit einer aktuellen Version von Microsoft Word öffnen. Word erzeugt daraus ein .docx und der Text ist kopierbar.

Eine Funktion, die glaube ich vielen Leuten nicht bekannt / bewusst ist.

Viele Grüße


Good to know … just tried it with Word 2019 (wanted to see whether it would perhaps be an Office 365 exclusive feature) … which happily displayed this message, but then crashed :slight_smile: . Anecdotal, I know, still a useful feature, when it works.

To save others the trouble of testing … LibreOffice opens PDF documents in LibreOffice Draw. There’s no text editing unless the PDF file was deliberately saved in a hybrid format embedding ODF content as such, which then is supposedly editable (says the internet, I didn’t check that hybrid part).


To complete the picture (a bit more), I opened the PDF in Adobe Acrobat which allowed me to use an OCR function (marking & copying the text is not possible in these PDFs). Haven’t used word processing in a few years now* (using Libre Office as well, but almost exclusively Calc), so my most recent MS Office dates back to 2011 :angel:

* I’m in love with archaic TextEdit because it won’t distract me with too many elaborate editing functions when I just want to write. And last but not least it launches quickly. :slight_smile:


I kind of get where the decision to outsource the software is coming from, with the inhouse software team still trying to support the Fairphone 2, commendably, but this software handling for the Fairphone 3/3+ is not working.

There’s no transparency e.g. with a bugtracker, the intended quarterly update cycle is an intended underachievement, and while Android 10 had to be out there with the release of the Fairphone 3+ understandably, it seems sufficient testing and even more importantly fixing capabilities aren’t there.

This needs a major overhaul.


Ariane, I have the same experience as you. I had to send my phone in for repair a few month ago, it took 2 weeks to repair.
After a few weeks the issues appeared again. And have gotten worse, to the point that the phone is unusable for a few hours. The support team offered me to send the phone in for repair, again. I need my phone for daily use and I don’t have another phone. I bought the Fairphone exactly for the point to not buy another smartphone for a long time (and don’t have another one lying around without a use). I just cannot send it in for repair another time. I asked to get a replacement module and send back the faulty module, but got no answer for that.

Devices can break, errors happen in manufacturing. But I’m really unhappy with the support policy from fairphone. It takes weeks to reply to severe device issues. They can’t find a solution and send you the faulty device back. They marked the phone as especially easy to repair with modules, but cannot offer you a replacement part and instead you have to send you device back to get it replaced entirely and need another spare device. And then they launch a new major software upgrade without resolving the existing problems first, instead they got even worse. I don’t need the new swipe gestures from Android 10 if my screen freezes every few minutes and ghost touches call people or activate flight mode while talking.
At least, after the announcement of the CEO, I know I’m not the only one with the problems. But I’m not very convinced that they are able to find the root cause with there teams in Amsterdam and Taipei after sending my phone in for repair the first time which was processed by a third party support company that couldn’t reproduce my problem and just send a replaced device back (with the same issues, again!)


Not to get too far OT, but I opened the PDFs in Inkscape which revealed that the text had been converted to vector paths, i.e. it was no longer text - so OCR is definitely the only way to make it machine-readable in this case. Not great for people who rely on text-to-speech technology to use the Web.

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Danke für die offenen Worte. Nur eine Anmerkung: ich glaube nicht, daß die Fehler nur eine kleine Minderheit der FP3-Nutzer betraf. Ich war auch betroffen von willkürlichen Verbindungsabbrüchen, nur halb aufgebauten Verbindungen, plötzlichen “die gewählte Rufnummer ist nicht vergeben”-Ansagen mitten in Telefongesprächen (unabhängig davon ob als Anrufer oder Angerufener). Ich habe mich nicht beim Support gemeldet, da die Probleme bereits bekannt waren, bearbeitet wurden und ich die Bitte den überlasteten Support nicht unnötig zu strapazieren beherzigt habe. Ich bin sicher, daß das Andere ebenso gehalten haben werden. Zwischenzeitlich war ich so frustriert, daß ich jedem von den Gesprächsabbrüchen betroffenen Gesprächspartner als Erklärung das unzuverlässige FP3 genannt habe. Immerhin freue ich mich jetzt, daß seit dem letzten Update bei mir kein weiterer Fehler aufgetreten ist. Hoffentlich bleibt das so. Für ein nicht funktionstüchtiges Gerät ist das FP3 trotz guter Idee einfach zu teuer. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, einer Ihrer unfreiwilligen Beta-Tester


Um Dein Recht auf ein funktionales Gerät innerhalb der Gewährleistungszeit durchzusetzen, ist es jedoch wichtig, den Support zu kontaktieren, damit Dein Fall dokumentiert ist.

Wenn man sich das Bulletin von Eva Gouwens durchliest, möge man meinen, dass einfach alles in Richtung Software-Probleme geht, aber da bin ich anderer Meinung. Die erwähnten “ghost touches” werden offensichtlich nicht von fehlerhafter Software hervorgerufen:


Vielen Dank für den richtigen Hinweis. Ich will aber nichts juristisch durchsetzen - das ist mir weder das Geld noch den Ärger wert. Im Zweifelsfall werde ich nach 3 Generationen FP mit Bedauern einfach wieder zur “normalen” Konkurrenz abwandern.

Hello Pitey,

interesting to hear from another victim of circumstance. When I had sent the phone in the first time (after at least three or four phone calls) the support exchanged the main board. But the mistake remained. The second time, they sent back to me a completely new phone with a french (!) user interface (I speak German, English, a bit of Spanish and very little French) and in protected mode. And it ended after some back and forth of trying to make it work exactly the same as before happened.

The support person I spoke to after the first exchange told me that there are about 1000 out of 100.000 people with Fairphone 3 that experience the problems after the update with Android 10. And I think they shold have reacted already then and have sent a CEO letter.

I would like to know which provider You use (mine ist Deutsche Telekom) and if You also disabled a lot of what I call Googles spy functions (localizing You all the time, backup on Google Drive, sending a lot of usage data). Also, I found that Playstore Protect was activated by default and that it seemed to scan everything all the time.

How are You going to proceed in that matter? I am still in the first year of warranty and so I hope Fairphone will take the phone back.



Your phone came with Google services enabled. You better check if the phone works with enabled services, because if it does, there is no reason for Fairphone to take back your device.

My provider is with the Vodafone/D2 network. I have a lot of google services disabled, but I don’t think this is the problem with ghost touches. I even tried to use th alternative system lineage OS and had the same issues. I’m pretty sure now, that the ghost touches are a problem with the connection from the display module to the mainboard which causes freezing and the ghost touches come from moisture in the connector. I think I have mostly ghost touches, when the weather ist bad and it’s cold outside.

1000 out of 100.000 ist a lot. That’s 1%. I try to get a new display module and I think that this will help at least for a few month. I don’t think it is possible to give the phone back and the get the money back. This is what I would like to do. I don’t want the Fairphone any longer, because I’m fed up with the week long support response time and I’m sure that the problems will come again even with a new phone after a few month and they can’t find a solution.

Thanks for the statement. These things are never easy to do, and I for one appreciate it.

On the subject of ghost touches, I’ve experienced this issue, and I would like to suggest that you think about climate, not networks. It happens when my phone is exposed to cold air, and always at night.



I am still into warranty, that is why I believe giving back could be possible. But I did not hear from that up to now. I had the problem also when there was good weather. „Ghost touch“ means that the display reacts as if touched, but noone touched it, right?

I am not going to get anything any more from Fairphone, and if I cannot give it back, I will still get a new one, but from a brand with good reputation and may be one-hand responsibility, which would mean Apple.