✏ List of apps and their status of fingerprint support on FP3 with Android 13

FAIRPHONE 3 and 3+ A13 - Fingerprint sensor update explains what happened to the fingerprint support in apps on FP3 with Android 13.

So people have a chance to know in advance if they are affected, let’s compile a list of apps and if they still work as before or not.

Apps confirmed working as before

App name additional Remarks Remarks
Airlock 2fa Alternative Bank Switzerland Switzerland
BoursoBank France
Citadel Team
Clearscore This is a UK Credit Reference Agency app UK
Commerzbank photoTAN
Consorsbank only the banking app, not the TAN app SecurePlus
Digital ID Apobank
DKB Biometrics need to be switched off and on again. Blue icon App OK - White icon App NO
FortiToken Mobile
Fortuneo Seems not to work anymore with the last update from March 15, 2024: to be confirmed
France Identité
Mozilla Firefox
MS Outlook
MS Teams
OneSpan Mobile Authenticator
Phoenix - LN Bitcoin wallet
Piktures Galerie
Postbank Bestsign DE
Postbank Finanzassistent Outdated Version of Postbank App - Still useable for BestSign DE
SBB Mobile
Signal Messenger
Threema Messenger
Trade Republic
VW Financial Services photoTAN Fingerprint used for Push-TAN DE
Wallet of Satoshi
WhatsApp Messenger Used to pair new devices (e.g. WhatsApp web)
WindTre Italy

Apps confirmed not working like in Android 11

The “handling” column indicates what happens when trying to use/setup fingerprint within the app:

  • Nothing = enabling fingerprint just has no visible effect, i.e. fingerprint stays disabled with no feedback to the user
  • Disables feature = the option to use/enable fingerprint is disabled or absent, probably without a hint as to why
  • Warning = the app warns that fingerprint cannot be used
  • Error = using/enabling fingerprint results in an error or app crash, typically without a nice message (just cryptic stuff/stack traces)
  • Unusable = the app has no fallback like PIN or password and just doesn’t work without fingerprint
App name Handling Remarks
ABS Mobile Banking Error (crash) Switzerland - Workaround: delete profile and start over
A-Trust Signatur Disables feature Austria, if device has been linked prior to the update. Otherwise the app is unusable as it requires biometrics for linking.
Aegis Authenticator Disables feature
ASN Bank Zakelijk Disables feature/Warning Netherlands
ASN Bank Error message (try later again, error 741) Netherlands
Auth0 Guardian Disables feature
Authy Authenticator Disables feature
Bank Austria Disables feature Austria
BankID (Scandinavia) Disables feature
Banking4 Warning
Belfius Disables feature
Bison Pop-up warning
Bitwarden Warning, Bitwarden shows a warning, that the biometric unlock for this account has been disabled.
BLKB Login App Disables feature Switzerland
BLKB Twint Disables feature Switzerland
BMW BKK Disables feature Germany
BNP Paribas Fortis Disables feature
BW-Secure mit 3D-Secure -Sich Disables Feature
Cembra App Disables Feature Switzerland
comdirect Disables Feature
comdirect photoTAN Disables Feature
comdirect trading Disables Feature
comdirect Young Disables Feature
Consorsbank SecurePlus Error
Co-operative Bank Disables feature UK
Credit Karma Disables feature UK credit reference agency app
Crédit Mutuel Warning asking to retry later
CyberArk Mobile Unusable Workaround: delete profile and ask for new invite with sms auth
Debeka Gesundheit Disables feature, use password
Degiro Warning
Digitales Amt Unusable Austria - Workaround: use Atrust with PIN code
Digitales Bezahlen Nothing
DKB-TAN2go Disables feature
e-Ausweise Unusable Austria
e-Boks Disables feature Denmark
Eni Plenitude Nothing (the setting in the app menu cannot be enabled) Italy
Enpass Password Manager Warning
Easybank Disables Feature Austria
Experian Disables feature UK credit reference agency
Fireblocks Unusable
Flatex AT Error
Freebox Connect Disables feature
George Österreich Disables feature Austria
GLS mBank Classic Disables feature Germany
Hello bank! par BNP Paribas Disables feature France
Henner+ Disables feature
HMRC Disables feature UK tax agency
ING Bankieren Disables feature the Netherlands
ING Banking to go Warning
John Lewis Credit Card Disables feature UK
Keepass2Android Disables feature - Java Runtime Exception when reactivating
KeePassDX Disables feature
Keeper Disables feature
Keytrade Bank Disables feature (hardkey required)
Knab Bankieren Pop-up warning Netherlands
KPT App Disabled Switzerland
LastPass Warning
LockMyPix Disables feature
Lyf Pay Disables feature France
MBNA Credit Card Warning
M&S Bank Disables feature UK
Mein ELBA Error Austria
Mes Comptes CCF Disables feature
Migros Bank TWINT Disables feature Switzerland
Migros Bank Disables feature Switzerland
Mobile Banking Unicredit Disables feature Italy
MobilePay Denmark Disables feature Denmark
Monabanq Warning France
MoneyControl Disables Feature
MS Authenticator Accessing the MS authenticator-App with biometrics works, but the authentication-process itself (for VPN, or microsoft-account verification …) does not accept biometric-input, instead you have to enter the PIN Code of your mobile-device
My Air Disables feature Czechia
MyBanking Classic Nothing
myConcordia Pop-up warning
N26 Disables feature Germany
Nationwide Banking Pop-up warning
Neon Banking Disables feature
Oberbank Security Warning Austria
Okta Verify Warning
OLB Online Banking Disables feature Germany
one Error Switzerland
PayPal Pop-up warning / Disables feature
Postbank DE Disables feature Germany
PosteID Disables feature Italy
PostFinance TWINT Disables Feature Switzerland
PostFinance Error (Fallback to PIN) Switzerland
Raiffeisen Disables feature Czechia
Raiffeisen TWINT Disabled Switzerland
Revolut Disables feature
s Identity Disables feature Austria
Santander UK Banking Pop-up warning
Satispay Disables feature Italy
SecureGoPlus Disables feature, falls back to Freigabecode Germany
smile bank Disables Feature UK
SpardaSecureGo+ Warning nondescript “currently not available” warning
Sparkasse App Warning Germany
Sparkasse Mobiles Bezahlen Warning Germany
Sparkasse Push-TAN Warning Germany
Swedbank Lietuva Feature Not Available Lithuania
SwissID App Digital Signature Unusable Switzerland
TK-App Warning
Tomorrow Bank Disables feature Germany
Triodos Bankieren NL Banking Disables feature
Triodos Banking DE Disables feature Germany
UBS MobilePass Error Switzerland
VeridiumID Unusable This maybe a configuration option for the veridium administrator to fallback to pin, but for me the fingerprint scanner is mandated.
Virgin Credit Card Warning UK
VR Banking VR Secure goplus Disables feature falls back to pin Germany
ZKB Online Banking Disables Feature Switzerland