November 26, 2019, 1:36pm
There is already quite some feedback on the FP3 in the following topics
Positive feedback
All the important info you find here
Therefore, I concentrate on my personal feelings and impressions which are , of course, subjective. The phone is not rooted!
FP3 looks nice and of good quality. The bumper protects well and even with bumper it does not look thick.
In the beginning i had slight doubts that on/off-switch and volume which are situated left hand side are comfortable enough, but I found it in connection with the longer phone very comfortable …
Here I want to ask all people already owning a Fairphone 3 about their experiences with battery life.
Maybe you can give some informations incl. stand-by time with/without SIM, level of usage, display brightness and which FP3 you have (12/13 screws , prototype, date of order+receiving), OS, heat development…
Cheers, Robert
Thinking about buying the FP3 and reading through the forum here to see possible problems.
Honestly, the list is a bit frightening, especially Wifi connectivity issues. I do have the Fritzbox 6490 router that has been mentioned here to not work with the FP3.
Therefore, my question:
Who here has no significant issues with their FP3? Who’s phone just works?
The camera hardware of our new FP3 offers nice quality.
Show some of your shots here …
Germany, Schwerin, Burgsee
As a side note:
The stock camera app has some interesting developer options. I don’t know yet, if and to what extend they influence the output but at least we have something to play with
Negative feedback/wishes for improvement
I have already placed an order for my Fairphone 3, since I was convinced of it, though as I’m reading in the forum, it seems like it is still a rather immature phone with modules randomly breaking.
I would expect it to be about as reliable as a usual phone, just that if something breaks I can replace it, in contrary to another phone.
Does it live up to these expectations, or do I need to expect spending money in the future or time in the future on getting it to work again?
This thread should contain mainly possible improvements that could be come with software updates to the phone. There is also a wish list where the fancy stuff could find space.
This is a wiki, so feel free to add your points here in one of the two categories.
For clarity reasons please add only key points, please.
Probably possible improvements:
Hardware implementation
Making “hardware button actions” selection available in settings menu, such as “long press power button for torch light”
Hello, will there be a version of Fairphone Open OS for the FP3 ?
If so, when can we expect it ?
For me it is of the utmost importance, I’ll recommend the FP3 only if it can come without Google !
Thank you.
Hi FP3 users,
My new phone works just fine!! I’m really happy to use it all day long since I received it! Great improvements have been made compare to the beginnings of the FP2 (that I never got). Congratulations!!
Among other small issues such as the one of notification LEDs that has already been reported (LED notifications do not work ), I find that the minimum brightness is quite bright! Or at least much brighter than with my previous phones. It is really not good for the eyes when reading i…
Is there a way to enable front led notifications on FP3? There are none on mine. Besides, specialized apps do not work too…
Unfortunately I had posted this reply to the wrong topic first and now I have to write some more to make it differ more until the forum software accepts this corrected post…