I am not an expert but this might be what makes the article useful: It’s also accessible for less experienced people. Glad to hear any feedback for improvement.
You could e.g. replace the links in point 6. and 7. with this one: GitHub - iodeOS/ota. From there you should always come automatically to the current page with the latest files.
That’s a good point, thanks. I have made some changes.
Finding the latest version through the official instructions is a good idea but I fear that this also changes more quickly than just the “raw” list of GitHub releases. So I have adapted “Step 6: Boot into recovery” from
This is so fascinating, and I am glad I came around this after just having joined the Fairphone forum ! Thanks for this !
My only regret is that I wish I would have bought the iode-fairphone instead of mine which I just purchased.
As a newbie to smartphones in general I now am REALLY scared to root and install a new Os on it which could void my 5 year warranty.
So is there a service from iode or Fairphone out there who does this change for me?
To benefit from the warranty the default Fairphone OS must be installed, so to validate the warranty due to the OS change, just change it back to the default.
You dont need to root to install, just to clarify wording.
Else I dont think you can send it to Iode for installation, might be worse to check their HP. FP will not officially help you with this, however maybe you have an Angel close who can help unofficially #fairphoneangels
For anyone not tech savy or brave enough to root their phone: Another solution is duckduckgo.com .
Get their app
Go into settings
3 At the bottom activate the beta version of “protection against app tracking”
It shows you in notifications that some apps tried to track you hundreds of times within one session.
This seems to be the next best thing after iode as I see it.
If you know what iode does what duckduckgo can’t please let us know.
That is surprising news to me, yvmuell. Please tell me how peoplpe can install iode without rooting their phone.
I’d do it at an instance but am worried that it voids my 5-year FP-guarantee.
Also, any comparison between iode and duckduckgo would be appreciated.
Rooting refers to patching the system with something like Magisk to gain root privileges (hence the name), which lets you modify parts of the running system you normally couldn’t.
HirnSushi: Thanks for that info.
Well, technically unlocking the bootloader is different than rooting,
but when I looked it up meanwhile it also was suggested only to do if
“one knows what one is doing”.
So it also seems to me as a layman an equally risky practice involving a high learning curve.
This is why I was addressing the duckduckgo alternative which is moved to the other thread now.