FP5 - Battery Life

Continuing the discussion from Fairphone 5 (lots of) bugs collection:

I opened a new topic to gather more information from others, maybe add a screenshot of your battery usage graph. Important in my eyes is screen on time

Attention: currently it seems with AoD enabled the FP5 cannot go into deep sleep and therefore battery drains very fast, when AoD is enabled. Further information below.
Edit: With Android 14 Fairphone completely removed the AoD feature as a solution for the battery drain…


That was my battery use graph this morning with around 20% loss over night in flight mode…

So first I deinstalled duckduckgo, to see if Vivaldi will show the same extensive use and second I will test further with AoD on or off and give the battery and phone a few days to settle after now everything installed since yesterday

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No AoD here. Battery life doesn’t look too bad, but I wonder if that high mobile network usage is appropriate. I’m on 4G/4G plus and only use wifi for data (except for maybe a few minutes outside?). Also no calls during this period.

Btw, what is Quickstep?


Quickstep is the applauncher/homescreen

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and for Apps Recent (also when using 3rd Launcher)

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I’m quite sure it’s related to AoD. Don’t have more experience with that mode and how much it should add to battery usage. In settings it say “enabling it increases battery usage”. But so much?
I’ve tested with a factory reset FP5. No app, no SIM card and no SD card installed.
Just connected to 5GHz WiFi.
Nearly no screen time.

During the steep part of the graph AoD was on. Battery usage between 3 and 4% per hour.
In the right part AoD has been off. Battery usage <1% per hour.
No other change.

EDIT; graph updated…


I also realized that the mobile network usage is rather high.

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For no SIM card a high mobile network use :thinking:


Every time after an update, there is higher battery consumption for a few days. Maybe this is the same with a new phone and will the battery consumption improve after a few days.


I briefly mentioned it elsewhere before, but can’t hurt to add it here as well:

When I first inserted my 1TB micro SDXC card with 700 GB of the space used into the FP5, the following hours saw a massive battery drain, like from 80% to 9% within 3-4 hours. Apart from apparently just scanning the media contents on the card, the FP5 was busy with virtual non-stop bluetooth music playback plus taking a lot of photos, constantly switching between the default camera app and GCam. This all on a 30°C day. The device itself got quite hot during the scan, too.

When I repeated roughly the same 3-4 hour afternoon program two days later (non-stop music plus 100+ photos with both apps), it was more like just 20 percentage points in that time span. No notable heating up of the device.

However, some days later I had disassembled and reassembled the FP5, and after that it seemed like the SD card scan was starting anew, although I believe it was not as consuming as before. Can’t say if separating the top unit (incl. SD card slot) from the motherboard was the culprit of the re-scan – or just the inevitable reboot.

As said elsewhere, I reported this to Fairphone Support (I found the apparent re-scan most noteworthy for them).


This is my battery graph: about 20 h with very few use of the phone, as you can see!

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@Chris_R can you please address the issue with “mobile network battery drain” in the FP5 beta testing group? Merci!


Is this with AoD or without? In my experience, AoD is what devours battery like there’s no tomorrow…


Yepp same here
When looking at my screenshot, do keep in in mind that I have battery protection on, so that it stops charging at 80%. While the battery usage overview is about battery usage since last ‘full’ charge.
But still, it’s evident that something is veeery wrong

I don’t fiddle with my phone enough for the screen to be sucking up so much battery. I had no idea others were experiencing the same…

Also, I don’t have any screensaver or clock on my phone when not in use. No AOD stuff, just display off (or so I thought).
I even have tap to wake and pick up to wake turned off, even though I love those features. Because respectively the display and the accelerator plus camera have to always be somewhat active.

Todays graph without AoD

Mobile network is the car drive to Hamburg yesterday. I cant check against the FP4 as this graph is broken since A12.

Overall it seems ok as long as AoD is off


Maybe I have the wrong idea of what settings correspond with having AOD off.

What I’ll do today either way is turn off battery protection, so that my phone’s battery usage overview resets, then I’ll monitor again


AoD stands for Always on Display, which corresponds to having Always show time and info enabled. In this state it is possible to disable Wake screen for notifications as incoming messages are “visible” all the time - which are coming in as a very small notification dot below the clock. So definetely user preference on how to handle this :wink:

just for reference where to find them, this is NOT how the options need to be set for AoD

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Every time after an update, there is higher battery consumption for a few days. Maybe this is the same with a new phone and will the battery consumption improve after a few days.

Yeah, with my FP5 this goes down to 12h easily, especially if some setup is done.

Regular usage: 3-4h screen time, low 20ish hours later battery is drained.

So, do I have my settings in order for low power consumption?

Here is my battery consumption. During this test I used AoD.

I disconnected the phone from the charger this morning around 6:00AM and took the snapshot now, around 15:30.

What about that screen usage? Is it normal?


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