Welcome! Introduce yourself here!


I’m Marco and I help run Fairphone’s Customer Support team!

All of my lovely colleagues are featured on the picture below! (you can identify me by the blue arrow) To generalise us: we all love our Tosti’s, our Fairphones and kind feedback. We actually pin kind and inspiring words of people we have been in touch with to our wall

I’ve always liked forums (especially Reddit & Anime related ones) and I’m a big big big fan of rock climbing. Which I even sometimes tend to do in my lunch break!

Really curious how the interaction here will develop, if ever a meetup organised by the community will happen - I will be there to distribute some Beer and Bionades!

Take care and please introduce yourself here,



I am Sietse and work at Fairphone Customer Service together with @Marco and others (see the picture in Marco’s post, I am the one with the grey hoody, and grey hair).

Besides this work I really like (experimental) music, arthouse cinema, cacti and my two cats.
I also make music and run a label.

But who are you? I hope we can create some nice interaction here.


Hey guys,

I’m Thomas or Tom for short. :smile:

37 years old, located near Stuttgart, Germany but moving to Berlin soon. I was working in the E-Commerce branch the last 12 years but missed thoughts about sustainability most of the time.

Fairphone is one of the projects I think is one of the first steps into a better future. Hopefully many projects/companies like this will follow.

Finally: Can’t wait to get my hands on my fairphone! :wink:




Hi everyone!

New Fairphone user here - mine arrived last week and I love it. Great to be part of such a major step in sustainable technology.


Hi! I’m Karen and a proud first edition fairphone owner… I love blabbing on about FP when someone looks at my phone in a weird way and asks me what it is…

I’m British but my partner is Ghanaian and I spend a lot of time in Ghana… So have been following fairphone on their visits there (not in a stalkerish way!).

Speak soon! K


Hi Everybody!

I’m Miquel and I’m part of the product team at Fairphone. I normally take care of managing the industrial design, packaging and other related stuff (together with our great minds at communications).

I hope to be helpful here in my personal time ;). I’m here as a person busy with any type of sustainability development and as part of the Fairphone community. I love to talk about the complexities and paradoxes of this world we live in and about how we can all help to make it radically different.

Let’s get this forum started!



Eddie here, from Oxfordshire,UK. I love the idea and practical ethical ethos of Fairphone and eagerly awaiting the delivery of my Fairphone. My current cheap Samsung Galaxy Fame has been a near complete flop and I promised myself to find something better. My girlfriend’s sister bought a 1st Edition last year and showed me - I thought it was great - both the idea and phone so I promised to wait until now to buy a 2nd Edition. Hopefully the Fairphone will have a good long life and I’m really interested to see what I can do with it - I can’t wait.


All the best everybody,



Hello hello !
I am Claire, from France, and I will receive a Fairphone very soon now !
I am excited to have it and curious to discover it !
I think Fairphone is a very interesting and smart project !!
Bye !!


Hi, I’m Jerry. First batch Fairphone owner from the Netherlands.
Loving my Fairphone so far :slight_smile:


Hallo, I’m Lidwien. I live in The Netherlands.
Many times I have asked myself do I want a smartphone. But the idea of buying a phone which have such a short lifespan or throw myself into the arms of Apple/Microsof/Google had put me off.
On my computer I use Linux, which is OpenSource.
Thus when the Fairphone as introduced, the principle of being as Fair as possible made me decided this is something I want to be part off.
So I’m the proud owner of a First Edition Fairphone! My first smartphone ever.
I tried to go without Google, but for some apps I can’t go without.


Hi there,

Concerned by ecology, citizenship, social values, freedom, and free software, I had to come to Fairphone. I’ve ordered two (one for me, one for my wife). We have recieved one last week, and the next one will probably arrive by the end of august. All I have to say is that, even leaving the “fair” aspect aside, it is the best phone we both ever had. Strong, build to last, responsive, good looking, easy to use and with a very long lasting battery.

My wife use it with the “Google apps” package. I will use mine with AOSP and only free apps. So we will have an interesting comparison and feed back, with pretty much different combinations.

Btw, I loved Bas Van Abel’s TEDx Talk on “the right screwdriver”. I teach “sustainable design” in engeneering schools, and I often use it as an exemple.

I will not hesitate to recomend it to my friends.


Emmanuel! I cant wait to hear the comparison! Great!

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Hi All

I’m Chris, living in the West Yorkshire region in the UK. I was drawn to Fairphone by a post on Facebook by a friend and I’ve not stopped talking about it since. I received my FP from the first batch and it’s the best phone I’ve ever owned for speed, usability and of course ethical & social values.

With the launch of the new forum, I will be one of the Community Moderators here, so I’m looking forward to talking to you all, helping answer your questions and keeping the community running smoothly.

If you need anything, now you know who I am :smile:

(this is me relaxing in Mexico, March 2014 having just received my new Fairphone)


Hi, first decent phone ever… Been using a tiny Nokia for about 10 years… Which ‘only’ makes calls :-). Got my Fairphone yesterday , what a. Revelation ! I live in north wales, no shops near so self repair and longevity important to me. Last phone nearly got ate by pigs and went through a hay baler… I may have to be a little more careful with this one! As well as farming I am a forest school leader and heard of Fairphone on a forum debating the use of technology in the woods (and general opposition by many of us on sustainability and ethical grounds) . You finally helped me move into this century, thanks xxxx


Hey guys,

great new forum you have set up here. I followed the fairphone project nearly since the beginning and was one of the lucky first 5 000 fairphone owners, which was my very first smartphone back then.
I’d love to get in closer contact with the guys behind fairphone and the people using it. I hope to keep in touch with the progress the project will make in course of the time and I’d love to discuss similar projects focussed on sustainability and responsible economics, especially in the it-sector. I hope this thing is the start of something very big!


Hi all!

I’m Silvia from Barcelona. I am a big fan of fair bananas, eggs, clothes…since I believe sustainability is the future.
Last week I started thinking about changing my snail "smart"phone, a friend introduced me to FairPhone and I loved it. In fact, I haven’t search any more, decision is taken, as soon as I have saved enough, I’ll be a fairphoner :smiley:

I want to congratulate you for such a good idea and project and I hope I’ll also get involved in a sustainable job as soon as I finish my education on digital marketing.

All the best!



@Fihopkins - Let’s hope you don’t have any accidents with your Fairphone, and glad you made the job from your old Nokia to a project that’s already making a difference and stands out compared to the big goliaths in the industry. Welcome to the forum, and hope you’ll have a good experience :thumbsup:

@madde - Excellent to hear from you as a long standing Fairphone owner. Welcome to the new forums, and hope we’ll see your experience of the Fairphone and the community on here to help others get the same enjoyment out of their phones :smile:

@silviabau - Glad to hear you’re looking to get a Fairphone, definitely a step in the right direction.

Look forward to hearing from you all about the forums :wave:


Hi, I’m Mike and I’m a First Edition Fairphoner and one of the first 5000 to put their money where their mouth was. I live in the UK and work as an IT project manager so technology is a big part of my life.

I first heard about Fairphone from a friend, just before the launch of the crowd-funding effort took place and when I saw what the Fairphone team were trying to do, I was immediately sold. Ethical products are very important to me and Fairphone are trying to do something important and unique in the technology market and really leading the way.

Having a first edition Fairphone has been a really interesting experience and it’s good to see that Fairphone are following through on their commitments to support and improve the device and that they’ve been willing to listen to their supporters and customers and take the action necessary to improve the product and fix the various issues which people have had with the phone since launch. This has been a great journey to be part of and I look forward to being a part of it for the future.


I’m Karl from Sweden - ordered my FP in May 2013 and got it the first week of 2014. My previous smartphone was not that smart - a HTC Tattoo running Android 1.6 - so I felt suddenly transported to the frontline of technological development :smile: Everything has been working smoothly so far - minor obstacles have been solved thanks to the old community forum, and I’m sure the new forum will be just as helpful.


Hi there,

I am Sebastian from Germany (Münsterland, for everyone who knows that).
I recieved my Fairphone in january 2014 and it is my very first “Smartphone”. All the technical things are working fine and it is nice to see that the Team is able to continue working on the idea.
Thank you Fairphone!

Best wishes.

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