i want to make a rollback from eOS (1.5.1S) to stock FP4 OS. I open the OEM, unlock the bootloader. Boot into Fastboot Mode. After activating the flash bat script i input “YES” to install stock rom. After that the window closes and nothing happens. What do i wrong?
You’ve to use “fastboot” (and not “adb”) to relock your device (resp. which command exactly did you use?)
Have you made sure “get unlock ability” is “1” (just to be sure you can’t brick your device…)?
Is the fastboot version up-to-date?
And your phone is connectected and in fastboot mode (fastboot devices gives some id as output)?
Just type fastboot flashing get_unlock_ability
and check the output. To be safe it should be “1”. If all goes fine you might still change oem unlock later.
Or you boot your phone and check the setting of “OEM unlock” in the “developer options” in settings.
Well, it shows “unlocked: no”, so it seems you’ve already locked your device (I think your command fastboot flashing lock had succeeded and you’d confirmed locking on the phone itself…).
And it also shows “slot a bootable: no”. So I think you only might try to reboot your device various times until it switches to slot b and hope it boots then…
I’ve unlocked my bootloader (fastboot mode → device state - unlocked)
I’ve installed all of the lastest drivers and updates
I’ve downloaded the lasted version of the OS as mentionned on the fairphone article. Version: FP4.FP4G.A.170.20220920
I then run “flash_fp4_factory” batch file until the following message:
WARNING: Flashing this image wipes all user data and settings on the phone.
It will also remove the Google factory reset protection.
Are you sure you want to continue?
Type “Yes” (case sensitive) and press enter to continue: ¨
Then I type “yes” and the script crash and closes. Nothing happens afterwards…
I’ve tried many things (changing my USB cable, changing my computer USB port, changing fastboot from a to b and vice-versa, etc.) but can’t find a solution.
When get unlock ability is 0 I would def not lock the bootloader, as there is a quite high risk you will brick your phone.
I think opinions differ on how unsecure an unlocked bootloader is, I think its not very risky, maybe search the forum, this was discussed before.