Navigation bar disappears on A14 using FP5

I’ve managed to cause it by charging my phone whilst it’s in low power mode, and it might have been caused by entering it too. I expect that theme changes might be a cause, in part. This didn’t ever occur when using android13.

I dont really understand what has happened to you and as beta Tester I use A14 several months now and not using gestures I never had my navigation bar disappear. So did you reboot? Was it once? Is it reproducible?


I don’t know. It might occur when viewing videos or photographs, since that temporarily sets the navigation bar into immersive mode. My hypothesis is that it merely remains in that state until SystemUI is somehow partially reinvoked by unlocking the device (probably as a power saving measure).

When? I don’t see how that relates. I had to reboot the device to switch from partition A to B to update the OS, but I’ve not since then. Locking and unlocking the device temporarily remediates it.

I can now consistently reproduce it. It always occurs when switching themes, per this:

Submitted to

Can reproduce it that way as well. Normally I change themes using the quick setting tiles.

Edit: also happens with gesture mode, however no need to lock-unlock the screen to bring it back, just swipe out the settings to homescreen


It happens to me too when the phone switches to dark in power safe mode.

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Fixed for me with

@yvmuell, it doesn’t:

For me following what you did in your video above it does. So how do you reproduce it now?

@yvmuell, exactly the same way as beforehand:

So you would have to report to support I cant reproduce for me its working since this update.

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Its back for me as well :roll_eyes:


I haven’t had this occur for some time:


  1. #!/usr/bin/env sh
    adb shell getprop
  2. []: [FP5.UT2H.B.088.20241122]

Have you, @yvmuell?

Just checked and at the moment its not happening

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Same here, still losing the controls when switching to power safe.

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Same here. I had forgotten that it’s caused by battery saver:

It wasnt only caused by battery saver, I never use it. I could provoke by enbaling dark mode, so this is an additional issue with battery saver!? Please report to support

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Nah, you were right, @yvmuell – it’s dark mode (

Apologies. I must have not encountered it recently because I have the device set to not use battery saver, and set to automatically change theme (which must have happened whilst the device was locked).

Irrespective, I can’t be bothered to go through ZenDesk for the 20th time this year – FP needs to reinstate their GitLab issue tracker if they want genuine issue reports.


Build: FP5.UT2H.B.088.20241122