FP3 Android 9 stock wallpapers

Hi all,

it seems that I have accidentally deleted the wallpapers that came with my FP3. Could somebody pls post them here (or email them to me) and tell me where the original location was?

Thank you in advance and best wishes,

Sorry, I looked for them on my FP3 via file manager but I didn’t find anything. It seems that it’s needed a rooted phone to get the wallpapers :neutral_face:

Hi all,

I have the same question after the Android 10 update :slight_smile: I changed my wallpaper to a custom photo, now I would like to change back to the original, but they are gone. There are some new standard wallpapers, but not the ones that were available in Android 9.

@teezeh did you ever find a solution for this? I found a thread on mi.com in Google, but the page seems to be broken and the download is not actually available.

Hi Adam,

I kinda forgot about this, since the wallpapers somehow reappeared later. Shouldn’t the wallpapers be contained in the image files needed to manually install the Fairphone OS? Probably in the vendor.img - I just do not have the necessary environment (Java etc.) installed to open / extract the archives and check if the wallpapers are there.

Maybe somebody here could try this?

Thanks, that was a good idea! I downloaded and extracted the archive from https://support.fairphone.com/hc/en-us/articles/360048050332-Manually-install-Fairphone-OS-on-FP3-FP3- (Step 4, “Download Fairphone OS (Android 10) onto your computer.”).
Then I used MTK Extractor 2.6.3 to unpack system.img. Inside I found WallpaperPicker.apk, renamed it to .zip and extracted it. The wallpapers are inside res/drawable-nodpi-v4 in this package.

However, these are the Android 10 wallpapers that are available on my Fairphone now :slight_smile:

So the next missing puzzle piece is the download link for an older version of Fairphone OS, which the support article doesn’t have. https://support.fairphone.com/hc/en-us/articles/360048139032-Fairphone-OS-releases-for-FP3-FP3- Lists releases, but doesn’t have downloads. Can anyone point to a download URL for Fairphone OS (Android 9)?


You should be able to retrieve at least A.0120 here:


I have collected a few factory-images (+some manually created partition dumps) here: https://fp3.lrnz.org/stock/

With the approach mentioned by @adamzkover I found three images in the wallpaper picker for A.0134: https://fp3.lrnz.org/wallpaper/

Are these the ones you were looking for?

Edit: I really like the xray image from ifixit as wallpaper: https://www.ifixit.com/News/32964/fairphone-3-teardown-wallpapers


The last link to Android 9, that was published on the Fairphone support page, while the Android 10 update was temporarily not available is this one:


Yes, I was looking for the one in orange, wallpaper_02.png. Thank you @_tmp!
The default version in blue is probably somewhere else then, and WallpaperPicker only has the alternatives?

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@BertG that link is unfortunately dead, but I have mirrored that file here: https://fp3.lrnz.org/stock/FP3-REL-2.A.0134-20200703.120010-userdebug-fastbootimage.7z

@adamzkover I found the blue one in framework-res.apk at res/drawable-nodpi-v4/default_wallpaper.png, now available at https://fp3.lrnz.org/wallpaper/default_wallpaper.png


Amazing, then we have all of them! :sunglasses:

I have created a backup ZIP containing all four wallpapers at

Best wishes,


Photo 1 and 2 are different wallpaper . I already have photo 2 wallpaper . So , please help me for photo 1 wallpaper

Could someone possibly upload the Android 10 wallpaper?

Nope, it is the same. Just scrolled horizontally.

Best wishes,

I imagine most FP3 users are on Android 11

Is there one in particular you want?

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