I am pretty excited to tell you we will have our first webinar ever here at Fairphone!
Go on over here to this page at YouTube to bookmark it.
Only 5 days left before we go live. If you have already questions you think we should absolutely answer, post them here in this thread.
Please mind that we will focus on the Fairphone 2 as a product, and save other topics for later. If this webinar is a success we will have other members of the team answering questions in their respective fields.
For this issues I normally use the epic browser( https://www.epicbrowser.com/ ). It as an internal global proxy, so you can view even blocked youtube videos in germany.
Just a summary from what I read in the forum. I’m trying to follow douwe’s advice, I hope I understood correctly what he wanted to say by focusing on the product. If not, just ignore the question.
BT - What’s supported? (I guess it supports all BT modes, but many people have asked about this in the forum)
Backup (The FP1 software back/restore had some small issues) Will this work well between FP1 & FP2 and other smartphones for people that switch? Is the main app stock android?
How much software on the phone is stock android and what applications differ/are based on other sources/Kwamecorp?
How much input can the charger module of the FP2 take? Is it based on usb-specs? Or more (fast charging, >5 Volts)?
Can the FP take other well known brand batteries as backup? Or is there only one custom made battery for the FP2 that will fit?
And although there is a bigger goal that was well explained by @anon2751513 - how many fair materials ended up in the FP2 and where? Is there hope that the number/amount of fair materials will be increased during the production? How does this compare to the FP1?
Thanks. That’s all that comes to mind right now. Please keep in mind that this is what I found in the forum, those are not so much my questions or very important ones. So I leave that “absolutely” to the guys making the video. Most of those questions could also be answered by publishing technical specifications of the phone’s hardware and its SoC/software.
Update: The webinar will be available later as as a video, right? It’s not a one time only live thing, I assume. Not all conferences are normally recorded, that’s why I’m asking. I assume it’s just a premade video not live, right?
Hey, @Douwe or @anon90052001, can you please let us know if there will be a video version of the webinar available after it has taken place? (Meaning if we can watch a recorded version of it after the fact if we don’t have time to watch live tomorrow evening)?
Hey @emmy, the video will be available for watching after the event has happened.
If you have any questions you’d like to have answered, please write them here in this thread.
I have a question: when and how it will be possible to install an AOSP Google-free ROM on the Fairphone 2? For me it’s very important, and hopefully we are close to the final shipment (even if I think that I will receive mine the next year)?
hey all!
I’m really excited about the FP2 approaching!
I think it would be great if you could introduce it for the average Samsung s3 (or what else) standard user whom you successfully got going to do a fairphone invest instead of taking the 2-year-circle supported device. I guess there are many of us, at least thats my past.
Question here: Do you really want to release a new set of phones when Fairphone’s vision to be replacing parts of a Fairphone to make it last? What happens to the first version of the Fairphone then? Will you continually release new versions of Fairphones?