Let me answer that: Yes, yes & yes. And yes to the combination of all three.
My “counter” question: Will it be possible to have FP OS WITHOUT google or will living without google just be possible with stock android?
Let me answer that: Yes, yes & yes. And yes to the combination of all three.
My “counter” question: Will it be possible to have FP OS WITHOUT google or will living without google just be possible with stock android?
I’m very looking forward.
Looking forward to the video. The live feed constantly breaks.
EDIT: It’s better now.
EDIT 2: No, I jinxed it…
My order is between the 8000-10000 first phones. May you give me an approximate date of the arrival of my Fairphone? End of december? Begin of January?
Thank you!!!
In the webinar, you told us to criticize,
so let’s start
The webinar was surely a very good idea, but it was way too short, questions haven’t be answered ;(
also there was absolutely no response considering any technical questions, and that was a big miss (battery,audio, charging was superficial, etc…)
Same for the software updates, lots of question about the futures updates, still no answers.
I understand that Miquel doesn’t know everything, but it would have been nice if other people at FP could answer (considering that they were right behind the camera…)
Also, it would have been nice to see a functioning FP2 for those that didn’t go to any of "live events"
So, i’m looking forward frrom getting my new FP2, and also a new webinar !
Sorry that I missed this, looking forwad to catching up!
I also had problems with the live feed. Luckely I could restart all the time.
Thanks for the tip, it allowed me to follow the webinar tonight
sighs First, thanks Miquel for doing this (That link should work for everyone now).
Talking like this is complicated, I know. So thanks again, my following comments are not against the person doing the “webinar”, they are about and against the format chosen for this. (more to come if I find more pros/cons)
My personal summery: This is an advertisement about already well known features of the FP2. I don’t think this is a good way to answer questions. Please don’t do software like this. It reminds me of looking at a cheap shopping channel. No this is not the fault of the person doing it, this is caused by the format/the questions chosen.
“Transparency is not part of the process, it is the process” [Source: picture in the background written in the old(?) Fairphone font cannot be seen in the video]
Honestly: This wasted 40 minutes my time and the time I needed collecting the questions from the forum. But it was a nice show and thanks for doing this anyway, I’m sure it was fun and you learned a lot while doing it.
Hey @Elipsus,
Thank you for your feedback and it is good to hear it was to short: that means at least it wasn’t boring
Considering your tech questions: no one in front or behind the camera could have answered these questions better than @mikiballester. Especially the world of software updates is a tricky one where Fairphone simply is not the boss.
So, what we tell is what we hope to achieve and in which direction we are pushing. I think this is almost completely in sync with what are community wants. But to promise that we will get updates in the future would be lying: we can not promise this.
For another event we will try a different setup to show off the phone and the OS itself; @mikiballester was now to far from the camera. Also, showing a turned on screen on camera is difficult because of light differences; we’ll have to try a new setup where we can dynamically switch from camera to screen capture to do that.
Maybe it would have been nice if we knew before how long the webinar would take? Or did I miss this information anywhere? Because for me too, it felt very short!
I can only agree. This was one of the main reasons I wanted to see the webinar…
It would be nice and I hope so : we try to live with the minimum of GAFAM : GoogleAmazonFacebookAppleMicrosoft!
Would love to see that! But if it isn’t done soon, I’ll see my own FP2 live before a webinar does so, as I’ll have it delivered before Christmas, if what was written on the 3rd of December still holds true: “We estimate that up to 4,000 phones will be shipped before Christmas, and another 6,000 phones are expected to leave by the end of the year.” (source). But I’m not sure it that figure is still a good estimate? Today’s update tells about 200+200+ 1200 = 1600 produced by now. That’s another 2400 to produce and ship in a single week to make the estimate come true.
I just took out my pocket calculator: if 1600 phones are made now, only 737 more phones will need to be made before my number 2338 is up . Producing a YouTube video as DubDubberDubst showing the FP2 live BEFORE you do show it live, would be an empty threat though, as I know even less than a single pinch of salt does about making YouTube videos and creating videos from screens.
$ adb shell screenrecord /sdcard/my-demo.mp4
So upgrade to 4.4 and start to practice hard
single pinches of salt need more than a line of code to know what to do
P.S.: but this doesn’t mean you need to start explaining, it was a jest of mine, I’ve no intention of starting to learn how it works
Oh, I hope so much that number 12117 will arrive before Jan 8th when I leave the country
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