Hi all,
My wife is experiencing issues with Firefox for a while now on her FP1. It just disappears sometimes, therefore some pages cannot be displayed, either. So in a first step I wanted to downgrade it using F-Droid but I had to find out that Firefox is about to disappear from there soon, so the latest version there is already a few months old. Older thus than what I was looking for.
The favorite browser on my FP2, Lightning depends on the built-in browser engine which is pretty much outdated and insecure on FP1. So what are good alternatives for that platform?
Hello Martin,
If you want your wife to continue to use the Firefox, you could use the FFUpdater from the F-Droid store, a simple App to download the latest version of Firefox for Android directly from Mozilla.
Another option could be to use the IceCatMobile, which is just a rebranded Version of Firefox ESR, but it also seems to be a little outdated.
On F-Droid you have also the webbrowser LIghtning. I have good experiences with Lightning.
You can download any official release of Firefox from ftp.mozilla.org.
Latest multilanguage, for example, lives here: https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mobile/releases/54.0b8/android-api-15/multi/
Another option, if your wife still experiencing troubles with Fx, is to use official builds of Chromium for Android. There are apps on F-Droid to make this easier.
Hope Firefox works, anyway, because it’s better for privacy reasons (and supports extensions, unlike Chromium)
IceCatMobile is based on the LTS (Long-term support) version of Firefox. It receives important security fixes, but some less important features might not be included until the next Fx-LTS release.
PS: ✏ Constructive tips for improved security for the FP1(U)
Thanks all for your input. We haven’t had time to check the alternatives yet but will do that soon. Since @Lidwien recommends the Lightning Browser: I thought that this browser uses the built-in browser engine and therefore is just as outdated as the stock browser is, no matter how up to date the user interface is. Am I wrong with that assumption? At least howsmyssl.com failed with Lightning on the FP1.
You’re not, you’re right.
Shouldn’t the update function of Firefox do the trick, once it is installed?
Still available on F-droid is the privacy oriented version of Firefox “Firefox Klar” (the english version is called Firefox Focus):
More about that version of Firefox on the mozilla homepage (de / en):
The update function is not included in the Android version of Firefox (at least not in stable builds).
PS.: Firefox Klar requires Android 5 or higher (for whatever reason) and thus doesn’t work on FP1.
Yeah, you’re right of course.
Just happened now to realise, that Firefox Nightly which is what I have installed (was Aurora before) is a pre-beta version of Firefox. (https://wiki.mozilla.org/Nightly).
As I use this browser since I got my FP1 without ever having any issues, I never got the impression to not have a stable version. But I am no power user (no browser games or the like), maybe that serves as an explanation.
I am really surprised to hear, that the stable android version does not feature an update function. That is really a convenient part of Nightly; although a pre-beta obviously might have more need for it.
The reason is that Firefox Klar uses the Chrome/Android System WebView.
This is for technical reasons and will change in the future.
It still works for me (FP2 Lineage) with WebView disabled (and no Chrome installed), just like other FF derivatives I use(d before).
Lineage comes with it’s own Chromium based WebView, right?
Or is Firefox Klar from f-droid different from the version in the Play Store?
No idea, but the only (hidden sytsem) app with “webview” in it’s name is disabled on my FP2, as I always did it.
Could be. The description only says that it’s different from the english version Firefox Focus, which depends on G%§$e Services.
This might sound a bit of topic, but I suppose several of you would like to avoid Google as much as possible, even it’s rendering engine(s) (the part of a browser making beautiful websites of HTML code).
To check which engine your browser actually use, go to http://www.whatsmybrowser.org/ and check the full user agent.
For Firefox Focus (Klar is Germany) on my FP2 (with Google Services), it reads
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Klar/1.1 Chrome/59.0.3071.125 Mobile Safari/537.36
For Firefox, the normal version, it’s
Mozilla/5.0 (Android 6.0.1; Mobile; rv:54.0) Gecko/54.0 Firefox/54.0
The important part is Chrome/59 and Gecko/54, Chrome being the WebView and Gecko Firefox own rendering engine.
Fennec F-Droid is back!!!
I hope it will be updated regularly so I can throw away FFUpdater… A pain in the ass this way of updating an app is.
Somebody created an inofficial repository with Mozilla’s version of Firefox. This repository can be simply added to F-Droid.
“Someone” means the renowned DAVdroid developer,
YEAH, Austrian developers FTW!