Fairphone Open OS 17.08.1 and (Android 6.0) release

Another data point:
Successfully updated to Open OS 17.07.6 from the last Android 5 version. My phone is not encrypted and has no xposed, but has microG installed and signature spoofing (via tingle). To reduce risk of breaking something, I copied the old framework.jar (that tingle kept on my PC) to /system before starting the update.
Everything seems to work.

Just after rebooting, my FP2 offers to update to 17.08.1! I should have waited a few moments… :neutral_face:


Indeed, Fairphone Open OS 17.08.1 is there.

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Upgrade went fine through the updater… Installed open gapps micro and xposed. Several applications don’t work afterwards though. As soon as I find one I uninstall it and install it again. That seems to work.

I have FP Open 5.1 and Xposed (version 3.0), no encryption. I want to upgrade to Android 6. Should I follow your procedure or can I simply upgrade the OS through the installer and then flash Xposed 3.0 as I did for the previous updates?
Most people seem to have followed the easy procedure, but you and a few other people mention more complex procedures, I wonder if you need them because of Xposed, encryption or what else.

The update to 17.08.1 went smoothly.


As usual, used the OTA file to update via TWRP together with Open GApps pico, encrypted phone, no problem :+1: .

I think the easy way is good for you. My problem occurred because of the data encryption.

What else:
After backing up my Internal Storage stuff with MyPhoneExplorer I reboot into TWRP to make a system backup before the update, and while I’m in TWRP anyway, why not quickly flash the OTA file and be done with the update …

And when I’m flashing the update via TWRP anyway I always flash along a fresh download of Open GApps pico, although I never checked whether that’s even necessary when updating inside the same Android version … but it doesn’t hurt …

Encryption only means I need a current version of TWRP (versions prior to 3.1.something didn’t support encryption).

Since this update my key board. Entry. Is. All over the. Place. I Can’t. Type Some letters. (The. Ones. Either. Side enter. Instead.) And. Single. Spaces are. Always. Double. As. You can. See from. This. Message. What can. I. Do?

Looks like this problem:

Check the first post or refer to the official Fairphone troubleshooting guide and use the Checkup tool for diagnosis:

Hi everyone.

I’ve trouble with installing Fairphone open. I tried to install it twice with no success. My phone is working now with marshmallow, but I will be pleased if someone have a solution for me.

Here is what happened: I’ve just received a fairphone 2 with the standard OS Android Marshmallows 6.0. So I try to change the OS to Fairphone open.
I followed the fairphone instructions. As the link for “OTA Build switcher” was dead at the time, I did the manual installation (using fastboot), with this file: fp2-sibon-17.08.1-manual-userdebug.zip
It worked pretty well until the reboot. During the installation of the open android OS, the screen freezed on the step “optimisation des paramètre” (= parameters optimisation) So, after a long time with no change, I try to turn off the phone with the button. As it didn’t work I took off the battery, and then restart the phone. At this time, The phone freezed on the screen “change is on your hand”, the phone seemed to run but nothing more happened, even after a long time ( maybe 30 mn)
So I did the process to go back to fairphone marshmallow, it worked well. Then I retry to install Fairphone open, but the same occured. So I’m back now with marshmallow and all the google apps that I don’t want and can’t uninstall.

Anyone have a solution?

Hallo, seit dem Update auf OS 17.08.1 habe ich das Problem, dass die Anzeige “nur Wecker” dauerhaft eingestellt ist und ich sie nicht mehr abstellen kann. Dabei scheint es nur ein Anzeigeproblem zu sein, denn Anrufe/Nachrichtentöne kommen weiterhin normal an. Da ich aber dienstlich ab und zu die Funktion nutze, um kurzzeitig nicht gestört zu werden, ist es auf Dauer aber unbefriedigend. Hat jemand eine Idee, was ich machen kann?

You could try the TWRP way …
Attention! This will remove the installed OS and all your data from the phone (which the “factory reset” available in the OS will not completely do by the way, so don’t bother with that).

  • Put a microSD card into the phone.

  • Get TWRP running as recovery:
    Download a TWRP image already adapted to the slightly changed hardware of the new Fairphone 2 batch here, currently TWRP_3.1.1-0-ota-fix.img.
    To install this image, follow the “Fastboot Install Method (No Root Required)” section given here, mind the image filename (they give a different one in the instructions).

  • Put the right OTA file on the microSD card, currently fp2-sibon-17.08.1-ota-userdebug.zip, not one of the switcher files.
    If you want, you could combine this with the next step:

  • Boot the phone into TWRP.
    If you connect your phone to your computer now, you could transfer files.


  • Settings - uncheck “Zip signature verification” - back to main menu

  • Mount - check “System”, “Cache”, “Data” and “Micro SDCard” - back to main menu

  • Wipe - Advanced Wipe - check “Dalvik / ART Cache”, “System”, “Cache”, “Data” and “Internal Storage”, do not check “Micro SDCard” - Swipe to Wipe - back to main menu (if it doesn’t return automatically)

  • Install - Select Storage: “Micro SDCard” - select the OTA file from the list - Swipe to confirm Flash - when finished, reboot (this reboot really might take a while, so be patient)

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The Updater app suggests me to install FPOOS which is also available at code.fairphone.com. Is there any changelog available for this - maybe bugfix - release?


I would be interested in that, too.

Yesterday I counted 3 random reboots with the phone just lying around … my first random reboots with the phone … Hoorr… ahem, no.
I flashed the previous modem files just out of curiosity, no random reboot today.

Same question here. Was prompted today to upgrade to and am a bit surprised about the lack of an official announcement. This is a legit update from Fairphone, right?

I found an “official” statement on code.fairphone.com where its stated:

The Fairphone Open 17.08.1 release was missing some of the security patches for August, the new build,, includes all of the August security fixes.

Hope that helps/ calms you down :slight_smile:


Too bad that platform specific patches still reside on the June level. :frowning:


I’d rather write this in the 17.07.6 release thread but it’s locked already and there seems to be no related changes in the latest update anyway:

Has anybody experienced a regression that started with the 17.07.6 update regarding apps just hanging pretty often (several times a day)? It seems to make no difference which apps I’m using… so far it happened on my most frequent used apps like juicessh, realvnc, firefox and total commander and it always occured when scrolling or wiping. When I press the power button to let the phone enter standby mode and waking the phone up the same way, everything seems to be fine again.

However it seems the notorious spontainous reboots have reduced since… so I’m not sure if this is a good or a bad thing - or just a coincident. And I can’t find anything in the changelog except some added security-fixes… does anybody know how detailed these changelogs are? Do they really record every change?