9:20 | Meeting point | Amsterdam Centraal (Ferry) | Train leaves at 9:39 from track 8 - Please send a PM with your given name, surname, birth date and whether you have an OV-chipkaart if you want to share a cheap group ticket. @AlbertJP and @Amber will organize it.
10:16 | Arrival | Alkmaar
10:30 | Rent bikes | Alkmaar
| Bike tour | Bergen aan Zee | about 14km to the beach
19:00 - 21:00 | Big Cheese Market | Alkmaar | with hourly carillon performance and explanation to tourists in Dutch, German and English
9:20 | Meeting point | Amsterdam Centraal (Ferry to Buiksloterweg) | Train leaves at 9:35
13:30 | Climb the cathedral tower
For those who want, canoe tour through the canals is possible - a very nice way to discover Utrecht. Depends on how busy the centre is with the introduction week for new students.
18:00 | Dinner at GYS Voorstraat
If we want to stay longer, we can go to a cafe who brew their own organic beer (few miles away, will need to take the bus)