Does the FP2 LO build support WiFi Calling ? I am not talking about generic VoIP, but the option to use available WLANs to use your phone as if it would be connected to a mobile network. It usually depends on the mobile provider if the feature is available.
Where is this switch and statusinfo supposed to be? I cannot find anything.
The blue-ish text is supposed to be a link .
Thanks. I missed that one. However none of the described settings is visible here. I am not sure if the LO build from 11.09.17 has the functionality or if they are just not shown because my provider is not supporting it.
For me this Android Test menu still works (LineageOS testbuild from Sep 22).
My provider doesn’t support advanced features like WiFi calling or VoLTE with my cheap prepaid mobile plan, but I can see the status info and I can see the switches for those features in the Test menu … for me they are greyed out, though … (“WLAN-Anrufe” or “Voice-over-WLAN” is WiFi calling in German) …
You are right, the test menu shows the functionality. In my case it says Wifi calling is “not provisioned”. According to their website vodafone UK is providing WiFi calling, but it has to be enabled. I will see if this is possible.
Does wifi calling work on fpos? And volte?
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