Who else is substituting WhatsApp?

Update on WhatsApp data sharing, maybe the truth but nowhere near transparent and most people want to blind to the abuse and use of data, “it’s all to much”

WhatsApp says the data it shares with its parent company does not include messages, groups or call logs.

Instead, it says the new terms focus on changes to allow users to message businesses.

WhatsApp already shares information with Facebook, such as your IP address and information about your phone, as well as purchases made via the platform.

However this does not apply in Europe and the UK, where different privacy laws exist.

But privacy experts say the saga highlights how unaware users are of how their data is being used.

4 posts were split to a new topic: Have you heard of iodéOS?

For the moment, i keep using Whatsapp over PC-emulator (bluestacks). It’s no longer on my phone. Deleted facebook account aswell.
Using Signal, but intending to check Element, since it’s part of the fediverse.

Facebook and Whatsapp are only the tip of the Iceberg. The digital world is depending on a few companies. There has to be a change.


I removed WhatsApp and switched completely to Signal. I think if you run it in an emulator as bridge for a real client you’re good to go. I got some people to at least install Signal to stay in touch, the rest can contact me via my wife’s Facebook/WhatsApp or good ol’ e-mail. Biggest usability issue was I got used to the green colour in WhatsApp. I really like it, actually.

Speaking of e-mail, a disadvantage of Signal is that it isn’t federated or cross-platform. But WhatsApp has that disadvantage + maaanyyyy other.

AOSP not, Android yes. The software you speak of are not Android; they are AOSP forks.

TG has no group E2EE (arguably, it becomes less useful the bigger a group gets). You can enable E2EE for PMs, but you need to enable it on a case by case scenario.

WhatsApp is written in Java which is very easy to disassemble.

For all people that want to change… the following project allows you to set an auto-reply message on your Android phone:

Looks like I may try Signal


Yep I’d like to get colleagues and friends to move to Signal. I need to put in a bit of energy sending invites.

I researched hard which messenger protect really privacy. That was already a few years ago. The best compromise for me was Signal. I am using it until today. Unfortunately you must use your phonenumber. They want to change that this year. :smiley:
Threema is also an alternative for me. WhatsApp i never used.

I am glad to see that more and more people are willing to install (additional) alternatives.

I found a current summary on this topic (sorry, only in german):

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In 23 years this is the first app I have purchased, never having a Google account etc. via Threema’s website.

I decided to buy Treema as an alternative to Signal, so now I have WhatsApp, Signal and Threema. Just need to purge some friends and family from WhatsApp initially


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