I updated via the updater, but while rebooting, the system partition was not found. I am now stuck on a screen of Team Win Recovery Project. I tried Rebooting (using the options System or Recovery) and ended up the same way, no system no rebooting.
How can I try and make my phone work again?
I tried to install the last downloaded version in cash from the TWRP, that did not work.
I then proceeded to update manually, this is my log:
Validating files…
All files are valid, let’s go!
One device in fastboot mode is connected.
Proceeding to flash the device.
Sending ‘rpm’ (186 KB) OKAY [ 0.005s]
Writing ‘rpm’ OKAY [ 1.046s]
Finished. Total time: 1.084s
Sending ‘sbl1’ (274 KB) OKAY [ 0.006s]
Writing ‘sbl1’ OKAY [ 1.018s]
Finished. Total time: 1.067s
Sending ‘tz’ (334 KB) OKAY [ 0.003s]
Writing ‘tz’ OKAY [ 0.998s]
Finished. Total time: 1.059s
Sending ‘modem’ (57585 KB) OKAY [ 1.981s]
Writing ‘modem’ FAILED (remote: ‘flash write failure’)
fastboot: error: Command failed
ERROR: Could not flash the modem partition on device 567747e0.
ERROR: Please unplug the phone, take the battery out, boot the device into
ERROR: fastboot mode, plug in the phone, and start this script again.
ERROR: (To get to fastboot mode, press Volume-Down and Power until the)
ERROR: (Fairphone logo appears.)
Ok, I did that more than once, but now it worked
So in any case, sorry for the rambling, but the manual installing actually worked in the end.
Hi, this is exactly what’s happening with me too. How did you get it to work, in the end? Did you just keep retrying it again and again?
I got it to work eventually too! I just kept trying it again and again.
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