I’ve uninstalled most of the google apps/packages on my FP4, but I found out that I ran into a problem: I can’t send SMS anymore. No matter what app I use (I’ve tried QKSMS and Simple SMS, but I don’t think that another app will solve the underlying problem), every message gets stuck in the “sending…” state. I’ve tried to duckduckgo it, but I haven’t found a solution so far.
So, does anyone perhaps know how the package that is used by Android to send out SMS messages is called, so I can reinstall it?
Just for testing purposes you could try com.google.android.gms and com.google.android.gsf.
On the Fairphone 3 those were initially thought to be needed at least for receiving SMS somehow, but this was found to not necessarily being the case later (see here).
Perhaps worth revisiting just to be sure.
I had a similar problem but can’t quite remember*. I didn’t want to use the google msg app but had to have it enabled to use another app*. I also had to have google play enabled to get a message on WhatsApp
IMHO kann man jeden Messenger für den “Standard-SMS-Versand” verwenden.
Wenn ich z.B. jemanden über Signal oder Threema anschreiben möchte, der aber den Meessenger nicht benutzt, werde ich gefragt ob die App als SMS Standard verwendet werden soll.
PS: Was der Bauer nicht kennt, . . . löscht er nicht
That’s not what I was asking about. I have of course tried multiple SMS apps, but if I tap on “send” it just doesn’t actually send the message.
Btw I would say the complete opposite: If you don’t know what an app or a service does in the background and what it does with your data, you should absolutely avoid it.
By the way, since I don’t see it mentioned yet … Did you try to turn off the phone (real shutdown, no reboot), wait a few seconds, and then turn it on again?