When you have trouble charging your battery and only see a blinking red light, it means that the battery is below the voltage required for safe charging. The phone will go into a slow charging mode and the battery will start charging normally when the minimum voltage is reached.
In some occasions this process can be stuck in the red led blinking mode. To resolve this you can try the following:
Make sure that your charger is powerfull enough for the FP2, if so:
- Remove the battery from the phone
- Connect the charger
- When the Fairphone screen is visible, immediatly insert the battery.
- The battery should start charging
- If the charging led stays off after the battery charge animation closes, remove the battery again (leaving the charger in) and insert it immediatly again. It should now show you the red charging light burning continiously.
- Leave it like that for at least 10-15 mins before attempting to start the phone.
Note: This behaviour is not specifically Fairphone related. All Li-ion batteries in mobile equipment have this safety built in to prevent batteries from overheating, catching fire or worse, exploding.
If all still fails, contact support.
Hope to be of help to someone