šŸ‘¼ The Fairphone Angels Program (Local support by community members) - Offers and questions

I also would like to help people with repairing the Fairphone 2.
Got it for three years and managed with help of the forum to solve contact proplems all over the Fairphone :wink:


Great, will add you later! Where are you based?

Hi everybody!
Thanks to @Stefan for connecting me with @paulakreuzer I got some help on replacing my crazy display. :+1:
Thanks so much for Your help and providing me test and a new display for my FP2.
So cool!:grinning:


Bad Nauheim
close to Frankfurt am Main

I guess you best get in touch with Rhein-Main Fairphone Angel @manchot right away then. Heā€™s based just south of Frankfurt, as far as I know. :slight_smile:

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Iā€™ve set the necessary steps to connect everyone in Frankfurt. :blush:

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Hi community,
i would also very much like to found a ā€œheavenā€ in Rostock (Germany). At the moment there are no angels near to me, as far as I can see. I have experiences with the FP1/FP1U, FP2 (old and new camera) and all common operating systems FPOS/FPOpen/Lineage.


Cool!!! :grinning: I really need to dedicate some time to the Angels program soonā€¦ :grimacing:

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Hi there, looking for an angel in London! I have a Fairphone 2 with issues with reception, talking with Fairphone HQ likely an antenna problem. Willing to give a reward of Ā£30 if anyone has the knowhow on repairing an antenna. Meet in Central London
All the best,

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Have you checked the map (first post in this topic)? There is one in London.

Cheers @urs_lesse I donā€™t know if it is active though

@ar.do Have you sent an Email to them and they didnā€™t answer yet?

Good shout. No reply so far. Calling on London :grin: :loudspeaker:!

Hello Angels friends.

Iā€™m moving to Taranto, Italy next week. :sun_with_face:
@Stefan could you opt me out of LiĆØge heaven (and put it inactive as I was the only one)?
And of course if you can create a Taranto heaven for me :smile:



Iā€™ve tried to handle the backlog of the Angels program. If you have the feeling that something is not handled yet, please shout! :smiley: :mega:


Hi all
I have been using the Fairphone 2 for over three years now and gained some experience and knowledge about the phone. I would like to volunteer as a Fairphone Angel. I live in Aarau, Switzerland but work/study in ZĆ¼rich. Therefore I would like to join the Fairphone Heaven in ZĆ¼rich and/or start a new one in Aarau


Welcome! Iā€™ve added you to the Angels and to a PM where we can discuss further details. :slight_smile:


Hello there,
How do you determine if a Heaven is active?
For example, I havenā€™t got any info from the community in Barcelona for a long time. So either itā€™s not an active comm or Iā€™m missing out!:sweat_smile:

We have contacted the responsible Fairphone Angel and will see if everything is up and running. :slight_smile:

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Hi Neus,

My name is Laurent and IĀ“m the angel for Barcelona.
IĀ“m answering and helping people with their questions and put them in touch with someone that can repair their phones when needed.
But I must say I donĀ“t have enough time to organise events or workshops so I havenĀ“t.

But if there are people interested we can try to meet up and see what happens. IĀ“ve seen some people might have been interested to meet up from this thread:

Let me know.