Software update v1.8 temporarily postponed

Yeah I think this is the same issue that keeps getting mentioned where the updater is actually checking for an update but it looks like it’s trying to download a new update.

This is indeed addresses in the beta version so all being well it’ll be rolled out soon to everyone :smiley:


what I just think is strange is that this only happens on mobile networks and not on wifi. many apps have the option only do updates or background downloads on wifi but the updater app seems to prefer mobile.
Other than the Fairphone Updater only FP1-EPO-Autoupdate and AdAway seem to never use Wifi for updating.

Thanks for clearing this up, guys.

Paul: I had noticed it before that it happened while I was not on WiFi, and also that it usually takes a large amount of time.
I cannot confirm that it only happens on open networks, as I don’t study my phone 24/7.


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I only use wifi and it looks for updates all the time when connecting to another wifi network. But that is the only opportunity for the phone to do so :smile:

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Any news or any hint of release date? :smile:

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I’m part of the beta test and we’re still doing some testing. There are a couple of options been decided on over how FP make this release available as they have hopefully cracked the updating process but for it to work properly they need to update the updater app first! Tricky.

Anyway, hopefully soon is the answer! :wink:


Hi everybody, :smile:
what aboutthe 1.8 update ?Is it ready? I didn’t receive an email to notify it. (In France)

Thank you!


If you look at the answer from @Chris_R it seems like it’s coming out soon, but we still don’t know when :smile:


Oh yes! I didn’t read it! Thank you Lovisan :smile:

In your case, it will probably be notifying you becaus e v1.6 is classed as the latest update and this isn’t installed.



Hello Marco,
when can i expect the fixes for the 1.8 update. For me it seems a little bit weak, that we have to wait so long. The bugs are present for 4-5 months now. Every time i reboot the FP some icons disappear from my home screen. OK. It is not a really heavy problem, but it disturbs a lot.

Thanks for infos…
greets from germany,

Ihr Lieben,

ich kann mich meinem Vorredner nur anschließen und darum bitten, uns über den aktuellen Stand der Entwicklung des neuen Updates zu informieren.

Beste Grüße, Andreas

@anon12454812 can you estimate a date, when the improved 1.8 update will be ready?

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Hope the 1.8 update comes really soon.

Greets from USA

We are waiting :slight_smile: Greets from Germany

It’s a shame how this is handled here. At least we deserve occasional updates on the matter but nothing happens. This is not “fair”.

Do you want a weekly newsletter saying “we don’t have anything new”? :wink:

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Oh okay you want to make fun of this. Surely you can say “we don’t have anything new” if you don’t do anything. So carry on with… uhm… making fun and doing nothing. Or you could just inform us on the progress. Your decision.

Please don’t get angry. Try to realize @Stefan is not a FP employee and this forum is no direct link between you and the FP team (use customer support for that, or send an email)

I think it’s rather normal not to get “occasional updates”. The new update is in beta testing, so what would they update you about? We never had these kind of updates before, so it really doesn’t bother me they aren’t here now.

Claiming the FP team isn’t doing something, arguing not getting updates is not “fair” is not really going to help, I guess.


Hi Jose!

We put an update on our support site last month about the current state of the new update. Also - as you probably already know - we’ve a beta program running testing the latest update, which of course you can join if you want. We currently have around 40 participants giving us valuable feedback.

Apart from this, we will release information very soon about the new Kola Nut update. The software update is in its final stages and we are currently testing the release process. So sit tight!

Hope this “update” is “fair” to you :wink:

Have a great day!

