Can confirm, I can manually induce this bug by enabling find my device this way.
Apparently I didnt have it enabled before.
@all please stop the discussion here reg the fingerprint, there is a topic for this
By the way, my refresh rate switched back to 60Hz with the update. So, you might wanna check that, if things aren’t as smooth as they used to be.
It randomly drops back to 60Hz on my device. I don’t know why. But it happens only once in a few weeks.
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Manual Install
I need this for rollback protection issues with a reinstall aka bootloader.
Are there any indications when this will be updated to the latest release? ie. this one.
Thanks in advance
There was a thread on the forum, where we narrowed it down to the proximity sensor being used during a call, that messes with refresh rate. The setting still says 90hz, but you will feel some sort of choppyness. So toggle down to 60, then back to 90 and it’s smooth again.
No, that’s a different issue. I usually resolve that by switching the battery saver on and off.
I hardly have calls, so I haven’t seen that correlation yet. Since I have the issue more often than calls.
Sometimes the setting just reset back to 60Hz randomly. That’s something else.
That was mentioned here in the past I think if needed discuss in the corresonding topic
Regarding that problem, I’ve not experienced it since I ceased to utilize Battery Saver, approximately 6 months ago. I presume, like the undermentioned:

I usually resolve that by switching the battery saver on and off.
…that unsetting battery saver doesn’t properly undo its modifications.
Please read my comment again, I’m talking about 2 different things. But it’s not important
@UPPERCASE, do you mean that you’re limited to 60hz in battery saver mode? If so, then the undermentioned is what @yvmuell is referring to as being a symptom expressed in the linked thread:

Sometimes the setting just reset back to 60Hz randomly. That’s something else.
It’s already explained, and it’s not important

And this Google Play Systemupdate is not related the OS updates.
True, and for the FP4 it just arrived, Google Play system update, January 1, 2025

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On webpage not, but zip link is already live :-)
@k3dAR Perfect, thank you! All restored and locked. Much appreciated!
Is anyone else having issues with the multitask window after the update? Not sure exactly what it’s called but the window that shows your running apps and lets you swap between them? On my phone it gets stuck on the farthest left app and won’t let me scroll between any of them

Is anyone else having issues with the multitask window after the update? Not sure exactly what it’s called
No, but:
If is this problem, then “solution” in same thread here
Yeah that’s a known problem. It’s caused by having desktop mode enabled. Disable it, then reboot the phone, and it should be fixed.
If you do use desktop mode regularly, then you’re SOL.

get the Always on Display feature back?
I’ve asked for it to be put back!
Let’s see.
Now that the update has been out for a bit, anyone notice the phone seeming kinda snappier and faster? Or am I gaslighting myself?
I swear, things just seem to flow better during navigation.