Without updating the OS you still have a probability > 0 of running into one of the above troubles just by using an SD card and by using Wi-Fi.
And you have a probability > 0 of your phone stopping to work altogether in the next moment without any apparent reason.
These things can happen, and as you say
… as for
Security updates for instance, as I guess Fairphone will not continue updating Android 10 parallel to Android 11.
Apart from that, new features are detailed on the official Android 11 page (not all of them are necessarily implemented in FPOS)
Users are also reporting performance improvements.
Finally @mpolito1969, to add to your list, you will see that there have also been reports of problems connecting to 4G data networks, but these seem to be resolved by various combinations of reboots, network configuration resets, temporarily using 2G or, in the worst case, factory reset. In view of this, all users are advised to make sure they have a recent backup before updating. That’s not an additional constraint: everyone should always have a recent backup.
I finally updated to Android 11. And now I have massive battery drain, the phone does not last a single day sitting on my desk doing nothing where before the update the phone would last 1.5-2 days without issues. Even the battery stats are broken, whenever I open the battery history, the graph just started as if I had just unplugged the phone from the charger. Also the phone is a bit warm all day.
Drainage did not improve over the last 3 days, so the issue is not magically “fixing itself”, Android system is reported as main battery using (25%) which is obviously not an app I can simply uninstall.
Guess I need to dig into this myself. From the logcat it looks like BtGatt.ScanManager (bluetoooth) is going nuts, it’s triggering log entries every few milliseconds. I guess it prevents the system from ever going into energy saving states.
05-18 23:35:48.438 1971 2375 I BtGatt.ScanManager: msg.what = 2
05-18 23:35:48.438 1971 2375 D BtGatt.ScanManager: flushPendingBatchResults - scannerId = 8
05-18 23:35:48.440 1971 2129 D BtGatt.GattService: onBatchScanReports() - scannerId=8, status=0, reportType=2, numRecords=0
05-18 23:35:48.440 1971 2129 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 8 status - 0
05-18 23:35:48.442 1971 1971 D BtGatt.ScanManager: awakened up at time 223224
05-18 23:35:48.442 1971 2375 I BtGatt.ScanManager: msg.what = 2
05-18 23:35:48.442 1971 2375 D BtGatt.ScanManager: flushPendingBatchResults - scannerId = 8
05-18 23:35:48.445 1971 2129 D BtGatt.GattService: onBatchScanReports() - scannerId=8, status=0, reportType=2, numRecords=0
05-18 23:35:48.445 1971 2129 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 8 status - 0
05-18 23:35:48.447 1971 1971 D BtGatt.ScanManager: awakened up at time 223229
05-18 23:35:48.447 1971 2375 I BtGatt.ScanManager: msg.what = 2
05-18 23:35:48.448 1971 2375 D BtGatt.ScanManager: flushPendingBatchResults - scannerId = 8
05-18 23:35:48.450 1971 2129 D BtGatt.GattService: onBatchScanReports() - scannerId=8, status=0, reportType=2, numRecords=0
05-18 23:35:48.450 1971 2129 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 8 status - 0
05-18 23:35:48.453 1971 1971 D BtGatt.ScanManager: awakened up at time 223235
05-18 23:35:48.453 1971 2375 I BtGatt.ScanManager: msg.what = 2
05-18 23:35:48.453 1971 2375 D BtGatt.ScanManager: flushPendingBatchResults - scannerId = 8
05-18 23:35:48.456 1971 2129 D BtGatt.GattService: onBatchScanReports() - scannerId=8, status=0, reportType=2, numRecords=0
05-18 23:35:48.456 1971 2129 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 8 status - 0
05-18 23:35:48.459 1971 1971 D BtGatt.ScanManager: awakened up at time 223241
05-18 23:35:48.460 1971 2375 I BtGatt.ScanManager: msg.what = 2
05-18 23:35:48.460 1971 2375 D BtGatt.ScanManager: flushPendingBatchResults - scannerId = 8
05-18 23:35:48.465 1971 2129 D BtGatt.GattService: onBatchScanReports() - scannerId=8, status=0, reportType=2, numRecords=0
05-18 23:35:48.465 1971 2129 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for scannerId - 8 status - 0
Yes, those BT and Wi-Fi scan settings are certainly worth checking.
@grumpy Yes I would think this is abnormal behaviour and worth doing some digging! Your phone obviously isn’t getting much sleep.
I’ll have a look at my own logs when I have the time (not soon), but I can tell you that my phone, unless used a lot, uses about 35% of full battery charge each day.
You could also reset Wi-Fi, mobile & Bluetooth
You should find these settings at Settings → System → Advanced → Reset options
(You will then need to re-add all your Bluetooth devices and Wi-Fi networks).
Installed the update yesterday. Everything went well and some things (scrolling, for example) is smoother.
Thanks Fairphone-Team!
The only thing I am not happy about, is the fact that the alignment of the clock in the status bar is still broken:
While on the right side everything is correct, alignment on the left side is weird again.
This has been an issue on the FP3 since 2020 and has never been fixed (although support said at that time this will be solved soon). And now there is the same bug introduced in Android 11.
Seems like correct alignment of the clock is some rocket science
Speech service localization is errornous. Speech service has a bug since Oct 2021, when it became clear, that english language is always used at first usage of that app. Only after the first use and only if the second use is within some minutes the localization changes to the phones localization. This fallback to the english language localization happens everytime speech service has not been used for some time.
As the bug is know since Oct. 2021. I wonder why in Android 11 an newer version of Speech Services than that of 30.09.2021 has been used. Effectively, a roll-back doesn’t work anymore (tested), so… with Android 11 came the import of a well-know bug.
I just updated my FP3 to Android 11 today. The process was pretty smooth and I haven’t experienced any actual problems (as far as I am aware, at least).
One thing I am surprised about is the lack of IKEv2 VPN profiles in the VPN settings. My understanding is that Android 11 added IKEv2, and I have confirmed this on a Samsung Android 11 device. However, it seems to be missing from the Fairphone build.
Is anyone able to confirm that it is also missing for them, and whether there’s any particular reason for its absence?
Fairphone 3+ on T-Mobile here(well it’s a FP3 but I upgraded the cameras myself)
Well my phone is now nonfunctional. All calls can only be done over speakerphone, unless headphones plugged in or bluetooth is used.
Also, there is now a x on the cell signal indicator, though I can still send texts. Multiple reboots have not fixed this.
The first link is not to a version-specific page - it’s a general overview, which also includes references to the latest release of Android. However, if you scroll down to the section titled “Available Modules” you will see that the com.android.ipsec module, implementing IPsec/IKEv2, was made available in Android 11.
In Android 11, the IPsec/IKEv2 Library module’s IKEv2 negotiation library is the platform’s default implementation of an IKEv2 client, supporting initial establishment, periodic re-key, dead peer detection, and handoff.
I understand that’s just a module, but again - I have another Android 11 device here where the native Android VPN client includes IKEv2 VPNs as an option. So I’m leaning towards guessing that the com.android.ipsec module might not be installed as part of the Fairphone Android 11 build (full disclosure though: I know very little about how Android is structured and built).
Yeah, and just spotted the following clarification:
The settings below are from pure Android 11.x. These exact settings may not present on all Android devices, depending on the Android version and changes made by the OEM.
So it seems like a confirmation that the Fairphone variant is not using the IPsec/IKEv2 module that was made available in Android 11.
I’m probably inclined to assume that it’s just a missing option in the build configuration, and not a hard technical limitation. Would anyone have a suggestion for how best to request that feature for the next update?