Poll: FP2 coloured external case

Black is a color :stuck_out_tongue:

But so is blue, what’s wrong with blue?


In school they tried to tell me that black and white are no colors, but a quick internet research tells me they are “achromatic colors”. (= “colorless colors”)

Nina Simone knows it best:
Black is the color (of my true love’s hair)


The opaque blue looks cool to me, but the translucent blue is too dark for my taste, it looks a little cheap. I don’t understand the results of the poll either, but apparently people like that.


Ahah yes black is a colour :blush: There is nothing wrong with the translucent blue. My concern is just “will it help to sell much more Fairphones?”.

I am convinced that with the opaque-blue-white-trim FP2 in the store, you will catch lots of new buyers. “Normal people” who want their phone to be a very nice object.

Take 12.000 normal people. Not FP fans, nor environmentalists, nor techies, nor proud pioneers (you know :)), but normal people.
And ask them which of these two objects they think is nicer.
Opaque blue or translucent blue phone.

The (vast?) majority will tell you “opaque blue”.

If translucent cased phones would be popular, if there would be a (big enough) market for translucent cased phones, well there would be some Sony, Samsung or Apple translucent cased phones… There is none.

That was my feeling!
I want everyone in the street to have a Fairphone :blush:
A very nice phone inside and outside.
The opaque-blue-white-trim FP2 is a very nice object…


If translucent cased phones would be popular, if there would be a (big enough) market for translucent cased phones, well there would be some Sony, Samsung or Apple translucent cased phones… There is none.

Two different reasons for that come to mind:

  • Apple and Samsung don’t want people to know what’s inside their phones.
  • Their insides simply don’t look as cool as the Fairphone’s

True but if there was a large enough market for translucent cases Apple and Samsung and others would probably also offer those. The majority of smartphone users simply want a phone that works and looks space aged or even cute. Transparent cases are rather for techies I guess.

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I have chosen the opaque blue because the colour of Fairphone is Opaque blue and I went for the white trim because I can spot the phone with a white trim much better than a black trim, secondly because the first Fairphone has a white trim.
So the opaque blue with a white trim will have more appeal to ‘normal’ people (I think) and will be easy to spot as the Fairphone.
So please give me the opaque blue with a white trim. :pray:


The opaque blue is too light for my taste. I love the darker, translucent blue though!

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I think they simply have not tried to sell translucent covers. There is certainly a bit of a market because there have been transparent back covers for iPhone 4:

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Well… that’s what I meant with

This translucent cover is for nothing, you still just see covering.


So, if the external case will be not too much expensive I will buy the translucent blue with white bezels when avaiable :unamused:

I understand that the case will be included in the price. It’s an integral part of the phone, the Fairphone 2 cannot be used without one (e.g. the case is the only thing holding the battery in place, isn’t it?).

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I think deedend intends to buy a second case


To be honest, I’m more concerned about the material! If the translucent covers are brittle and the black ones are resilient … I’d go with black! Otherwise see thro bloo and black for the working week and opaque blue & white for the weekend!

Actually I’d quite fancy a wooden one. Bamboo (low carbon, high strength, compostable etc) would be good; step 1 = 3d scan of FP2 cover, step 2 = buy CNC router … this could get expensive… maybe stick with plastic.

I don’t think the material differs much, the transparent covers should be just as strong as the opaque ones and also feel the same way.


Because I am that disappointed about the final color choice ([see above][1]), I hoped I could convince FP by writing to support team to re-think only offer this two poll winners #1 and #2, and the answer was as follows (unfortunately as expected!):

“Sadly enough with the amount of phones we are talking about it is not a
viable option to provide more different cases at this moment.
It might be that in the future other options will appear, but at this moment we cannot yet offer this.”

Offering other colors later would mean each of us can buy the color of choice later, right.
BUT: It is unfortunately ecological related not the best manner to buy two cases, just for question of design…at least they are made of recycled plastic (aren’t they?) and maybe we can offer “old” cases in a 2nd hand store…

But anyway…its kind of democracy … right? :confused:
Cheers, Robert
[1]: Poll: FP2 coloured external case - #31 by therob


Absolutely. It is the main reason there is no Sony, Samsung or Apple translucent cased phones. Market is very very small.
That translucent case for iPhone is a chinese gadget. Not an Apple accessory. You’ve never seen it in the street.

The FP2 cover is an advanced engineered piece of different plastics, with buttons. I do not think it can get out of a standard 3D-printer :blush:


For those who do not know these videos :wink:


I reckon that could be printed - the buttons printed seperately, then snapped in; you can even change material part way through with a good enough printer. The trouble with basic 3d printing is that it’s not generally that strong as the little bits of melted plastic don’t stick together so well as in a high pressure die-casting. My thought was machining one with a cnc router (out of hard-wood or aluminium!) - but I’d have to see what is inside!

Mental engineering is always easier than actually making anything :¬)

Think we all hope that enough sell to allow for a genuine FP-made 3rd cover option (at least).



…but the advanced flexibility of the case, the trim in particular, is quite something. Look at how the phone gets in/out of the case! :blush: