This has been bothering me a bit for quite a while now, so here’s my brief request:
The default smiley : ) results in a symbol that in my eyes does not express what a simple smiley should and does usually express: a simple, friendly smile. But this :woot: is not a friendly smile, it’s LOTS OF LAUGHTER.
So far I keep resorting to using the blushing icon because although it’s not exactly what I want to express, it comes closer to what I want (see above) than the icon : ) creates. So far, there simply is no friendly simple smile icon. I would really appreciate if one was available here and could be triggered with an obvious, simple code. In my opinion, that code should be : )
I like that 2016 set. It’s not shockingly different from our already comprehensive set we have right now, but includes 1-2 smileys of the kind I am missing here so far. Plus it addresses @Ruth_FP1’s wish as well. : - )
I assume we cannot just add single emoticons, so it would take a complete new set, right?
I hope more able graphic experts here will provide more perfect drafts, but just to kickstart this, here is a quick attempt to create a and a using elements already included in the existing set of emoticons.
I simply took the smile from the : blush: icon and inserted it into the : no_mouth: icon and elevated the eyeline by 1 pixel. You can view a full-size version of and by right-clicking at each of them and then choosing the option your browser gives you to view the graphic only.
P.S.: Whatever we eventually choose, let’s not forget to make sure the existing emoticon doesn’t disappear, but just gets a different code.
We don’t know, if we can change existing emoticons, so :) will probably still render to . It’s more realistic that we create a new tag like : ). I’d also like to see ^^ render to .
Unfortunately I can’t use ^^ for the :woot: smiley as @Stefan suggested (it simply won’t let me.)
So this smiley is now called woot (if you don’t agree suggestions are more then welcome.)
The only smiley that is missing now and needs a new tag is this smiley the old tag of this smiley was
: frowning : but has now been replaced by the smiley.
Any suggestions for a new tag we can use for this one? (Edit: :omg: maybe? )