´out of space´ warning and i dont have SD card


I am getting out of space´warning, that prevents me to take any pic, when tehere´s plenty of space available.

I read carefully that other fp3 user had this problem:

And was solved, because it had relation with the SD card (I read the guide that someone from fp recommended).

The thing is, I DONT HAVE SD CARD, so no option of being the problems there are existing when formatting it as internal .

What do I do?

I have 50% os free space, fp3, I can still make pics and videos in WhatsApp for example, and download files and docs, the only thing I can not do is take pics or videos.


Are you on the latest version of Fairphone OS? Check Settings > About phone > Build number to find out. I think your problem was mentioned before and then reported as solved by a recent update:

However, if you can hold out a little longer, I would recommend to wait until the next future update and not install the most recent update (it triggered NFC and Bluetooth issues). As a workaround until then, you might want to install a third party camera app (e.g. Open Camera) and see if that allows you to take and save photos right now.


Have you tried clearing the camera’s cache?


clearing camera´s cache solved it!
thank you!!


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