OpenCamera on the FP5: How to use wide angle camera?

I just got my new FairPhone 5. I am happy with it.

I like OpenCamera. I installed it from F-Droid and activated Camera API 2.

But still I miss how to use the ultra wide angle second back camera?

Is there anything I need to enable? Or is it just not working?

Using some debuging tools like CPUInfo it seems that normal apps only see two cameras (one back, one front). So maybe the ultra wide angle camera is enabled by zooming “out” (below zoom level 1)?

I found this issue on Github:

But that’s on unofficual repo. I didn’t find anything on the official repo either.

Can you help me? What am I missing?

I press on the word lens 1 and it changes to the word lens 2 and the ultra wide lens. I don’t have opencamera so this might not be possible