Open letter to Fairphone

Dear FP management,

I don´t know, if anyone reads this. Anyway, I have to find a way to put in words my anger and disappointment.

The idea to create a fair telephone is really good and earns any support possible. But why does “fair” also mean “no customer service”?

My FP 4 broke down on december 17th, 2024 within the warranty. I turned to the so called FP customer “support” on that very day. Long story short: today, 7 (!) weeks later, my problem is still not solved. After my last inquiry, more than two weeks passed by without any reaction from FP customer “service”. They simply ignore me.

I wonder, if anybody of FP management ever checks the community postings. You should, because they are packed with complaints about FP´s awful and unreliable customer support and many of those stating they will never purchase a FP again (so won´t I, by the way). If you give a sh*t on your customers, what for do you waste money for a new branding?

I don´t know, if this message is heard. I don´t care. My next phone will be any brand, but no FP.

A very disappointed customer

Um nicht alles weiter zu duplizieren bitte bei Bedarf hier diskutieren.

And for EN we also have several topics discussing support time since years, so add a few