I can’t install that app via Aurora Store apparently, but if you feel like it, then send me a link to the apk somewhere and I will look into this.
I would appreciate that a lot!
The app is
Download link:
Managed to install Bluelink - saw this in the log:
10-26 19:54:48.803 5434 5434 V RootBeer: b: b() [152] - ro.debuggable = [1] detected!
10-26 19:54:48.819 5434 5533 V RootBeer: b: b() [152] - ro.debuggable = [1] detected!
10-26 19:54:48.899 5434 5434 V RootBeer: b: b() [152] - ro.debuggable = [1] detected!
10-26 19:54:48.899 5434 5533 V RootBeer: b: b() [152] - ro.debuggable = [1] detected!
There are several well-known ways to defeat RootBeer, including Magisk, or even funny scripts, but you are probably stuck since you have a locked bootloader. I am not sure you would get much further anyway, since the app also complains about this:
10-26 19:54:50.289 5543 5579 W GooglePlayServicesUtil: com.hyundai.bluelink.eu.ux20 requires the Google Play Store, but it is missing.
Others here may have more ideas.
Thanks for your efforts!
I was wondering whether (maybe) using Release Keys at build time (instead of the current Debugging Keys) would improve the situation?
I do have the Google Play Store installed (please don’t hate me for that, I really tried to do without on /e/ )
Hello together,
i asked the same question in the lineage 17 thread.
My wireless connection is very unstable with lineage 18 (with 17 also).
It disconnects all the time in the background (every 1-5min) and doesn’t reconnect automatically.
It seems to be worse if the connection is not that strong.
On strong connections sometimes there is no data connection although a connection is displayed.
Can anybody provide a possibility to view logs or does anybody know a solution for that problem?
The Fairphone 3 has issues with some WiFi channels in the 5 GHz spectrum. See here. Maybe that has something to do with your issues?
this is not possible, I use 2.4 GHz channels only. But I can try to change, maybe it will be more stable on the other frequency range.
I wondered, cause on original fairphone software those problems did not occur… Seems to have something to do with lineage.
I tried 5 GHz now and could not even get in the network. Lineage seems to establish the network connection, but it doesn’t work…
There are several posts here in the forum, like e.g.
I’m on the October 25 build, for which the changelog says
318121: FP3: Allow user to adjust brightness down to 1 again | https://review.lineageos.org/c/LineageOS/android_device_fairphone_FP3/+/318121
I am using auto brightness and I like having an as-low-as-possible brightness in complete darkness, so I do support the change .
I have the impression though that sometimes brightness is ‘stuck’ at the minimum level, especially at night (in low environmental light, but not complete darkness). I am currently forcing brightness upwards on the slider, let’s see if this ‘training’ works out!
Interested in hearing others about their experiences.
I am not sure if this is fixable by making changes to the driver. But for me (and I guess for others too) the light-sensors needs a lot of light pointing directly at the sensor to report more than 0. I assume that’s why there are no changes in brightness between a completely dark room and a room with some ambient-light.
I don’t use Lineage so excuse my butting in but this does sound exactly like the default A10 0129 update problem.
Checking with satstat my light sensor shows good reaction to changing lighting situation. I wouldn’t say it needs much light to react
I see, I guess it is just mine then. Maybe there is some variation from phone to phone, or I just have a bad sensor.
I have to admit that I have not seen the WiFi calling symbol on 18.1 for some time now…
I set it to 1G now and running for nearly 11 days just fine. Regarding my tests and your experience I’d say between 1G and 2G is the optimal value. Next reboot will try 1.5G
Is there any news or any development at all regarding the NFC reader? I’m still unable to use it on the FP3+, neither reading my ID card nor using the phone for payments work.
I would ask you to open an issue on the official LOS site, link in the forum header. If the NFC reader works on the stock OS or /e/ then we will likely solve this.
Thank you for this information. I have long wondered why the app won’t work on LOS, this rootbeer seems to be a bit of a pest.
I don’t know if it works in /e/, but it works on iodé 2.1 (based on A11). At least I can use my yubikey via NFC for encrypting mails.