And you know why? All of them don’t use the Radikal font. Simply compare the lower case “a”!
Well, that still leaves the need to fix it. I think just adding boldness to the font (both Radikal as its substitute in all other browsers) would help, even in Safari where it’s relatively legible already.
The specs link in the shop is dead (i’m on Firefox 49):
When I click it, nothing happens.
PS.: Could we have dimensions for both slim and regular covers?
…and on the forum has become :de: again (same for UK etc.). Still no sign of the extended countries emoticon set. Should we fix all the topics, or is the old
emoticon code coming back?
On the French-language front page ( the link “Forum” via “Community”, and leads…nowhere!
In some cases scrolling is blocked in desktop view:
A scrolling bar appears inside a post and prevents scrolling the whole page, if the cursor is inside the post field.
Edit: I should have posted my setup, thanks for pointing it out, @Roboe. Here it is: Firefox 49.0.?, Windows 10 64 bit, 13??x768px, 15".
It doesn’t affect me; Firefox 49.0.2 @ Ubuntu
I think I’m misusing the blog again.
I tried to go to all posts in that category, but the category tag is not clickable.
Clicking on the Fairphone logo in the top left corner on any Zendesk page leads nowhere (should lead to the home page).
I can’t reproduce this on Firefox 49 on OSX Sierra…
This might be a Discourse issue. Did you try having a look at if this is a known bug?
The link works for me… I see that there are no dimensions at all. I’ll request those to be added.
I guess you all have huge display resolutions!
Indeed I don’t see the scrolling bar on a 1280x1024 screen. [Edit: Seems a bit incosistent…} But on my laptop (1368x720) it looks like this:
Oh and the horizontal scrolling bar appears on both of my screens.
Is this number still up to date? I hope not, because it hasn’t changed in weeks…
Just saw: When opening, near the bottom is a link for “View all specifications” of the phone, which does not work for me in Firefox (ESR 45.2), Midori (0.5.11), or Chromium (53), so I assume the link is dead.
Actually, I couldn’t find the whole specs of the FP2 anywhere on the website (due to this dead link), which is really bad for people interested in the phone.
That is indeed very bad. We’ll fix it asap. Thank you for notifying us!
Thanks, a Mac issue then (I just checked and the issue is unchanged in all three browsers on my Mac, even in Firefox 50). I was assuming our website folks were on a Mac themselves given they seem to have optimized it for Safari, but maybe I’m wrong there.
It might also be that there is still something wrong with CSS, etc.: Why isn’t Radikal displayed in Zendesk, whilst it displays just fine in Discourse on my PC?
PS.: Just got this popup from the forum:
Let others join the conversation
This topic is clearly important to you – you’ve posted more than 20% of the replies here.
Are you sure you’re providing adequate time for other people to share their points of view, too?