Today I put in a set of headphones. When I removed them, the phone speakers suddenly suddenly stated playing music from my SD card without any app open for playing music. I Figured that it was some Google app running in the background. I have never opened this app before and I disabled imidately. Now the music was gone.
Hours later today I put in my headphones again. the same thing happned - but now the app was disabled and my phone is playing music. I don’t know how to stop the music, what can I do? I tied to put in the phones after they were removed, but the speakers kept playing. IT seems that my jack doesn’t reacted to them. I tried putting them in and out and at some point the speakers stopped playing, and now the music is in my headphones.
I am about to make a call and I would really like to stop that music. What to do? THX!
Ok… I just managed to fix the software part of it. I started closing apps with the square in left corner and suddenly the music stopped. Unfortunately I didn’t catch to see which app was running the music, but now the music stopped at least.
But there still seems to be a hardware thing in regard to the jack - should I just call or email the FP team?