I’m using the default Android that it came with. I don’t think it’s related to Search Widget customization. The current situation is that the home screen now has the date and time at the top where the search bar used to be, and I have to swipe to Page 2 to get the Google search bar.
Tap and hold on the items to move them around. On the home screen panels, you can also group apps into folders by dropping their icons on top of the others.
Remove an app shortcut or a widget
To remove a shortcut or a widget from your home panels:
Hold and drag the icon with one finger,
Drag it to the writing saying "XRemove" that shows at the top of the screen.
This only removes the shortcut from your home panel. You can still find the app inside the All Apps menu.
Is it possible to remove the Google search bar or the Weather widget?
The Google search bar widget and the Weather widget are an integral part of the launcher installed by default on your Fairphone and cannot be removed.
Start dragging the app icon and you’ll end up on the home page. If you drag the icon to the edge of the screen, you will access a different home panel.
i think your home screen is already full, and you need to remove som apps and widget’s or move them to a other home panel.
after that i expect it will be possible to move the google bar back.
Double check whether under Settings->Apps->All apps whether the “Google” app is disabled. If so, enable it if you want the Google bar back. I have mine disabled (FP4) and there’s now a date where the search bar used to be on my home screen.
No T4om sadly not - I can’t rearrange or remove the date & time, and I can’t drop anything in its place. I have no “Weather widget” either. Yes I could remove a row of apps and have the search bar below the date & time, I don’t want to as I like the icons I have on the main screen but I might be able to live without a few of them.
I’m running out if ideas.
i expect you tried wat was posted by RSpliet and yvmuell.
maybe you can share a screenshot of the homescreen?
it sounds like ther is a problem with your Quickstep launger.
I’m thinking about removing storage and cache from the Quickstep launger.
this will force the launger in factory settings.
but please please wait for someone to confirm here of that is a good idear and wat the side effects can be. i expect that all your made shortcuts and background pictures will be permanently removed.
I just tried deleting Quickstep cache, rebooting, then data, rebooting, lost all my icons yes but not restored Search bar. Still has unremovable date & time where the search bar used to be.
Perhaps I could try another launcher? Any suggestions?
I believe there is a “mis-configuration” of the home screen by the FairPhone developers in the standard FairPhone launcher (Quickstep) in that the Google search bar and the Google At a Glance widgets have been placed in the same space on the home screen and neither can be moved.
I solved this problem by switching to the Action Launcher which allows me to place the search bar at the bottom of the home screen and the At a Glance widget at the top.
Note 1. The Action Launcher is no longer supported by its developer, but it works for me!
Note 2. I’m using a FP 4, so your mileage may vary.
i tried to reproduce it, awaking the Quickstep launcher on my phone. and tried moving or replacing the google bar. in my case its frozen in place, like it should be according to Fairphone.
is there someone here who can reproduce the issue of the bar dispersing?
Sorry - where do you think Google insists that the search bar is placed? I ask because I see the same as T4om, i.e with the Google app (and therefore the At a Glance widget) disabled, in the Quickstep launcher I have the day and date at the top of the home screen and I can add the Chrome “Search with Google” widget below it. However, the day & date is passive - it can’t be configured or moved with a long press.
If I then enable the Google app and restart my phone, the bar at the top of the screen now says “initialising” and if I tap it it opens Google search. A long press opens the At a Glance settings, but does not show the At a Glance widget itself.
Therefore I conclude that the developers have put the At a Glance widget and something else (which I thought was the Google search bar) in the same place at the top of the home screen. This is the mis-configuration I spoke of earlier.
To regain control of my home screen real estate I switched to the Action launcher, which allows me to put their search bar and the At a Glance widget where I want them.
I think I did cause a misunderstanding, sorry for that.
The behaviour of the Quickstep launcher as showed on the screenshots in my post is considered as normal and not a bug/software Issue.
When the google Searge bar is unavailable.
I did by forsing the google app to not work, disabled it.
the Quickstep launger dit show initialising first and after some time and restart’s the date and time appeared. this will be a future in the Quickstep launcher to have this alternative if it can’t connect to the google winged/app.
after the google app was enabled. no effect. after a new restart it dit show initialising again. after some minutes the google winged was back in place, (in top of the home screen on the first home page, were it can’t be changed, moved or customized.)
i did this only for testing to get some better understanding of the behaviour of the Quickstep launcher, curious if I will get the same issue of not being able to get the google bar back.
for @PhilHibbs it looks like there is a difference reason wat isn’t figured out yet that makes Quickstep and the google winged not working together.
I’m happy to hear the problem is solved for you using the Nova launcher instead.
@JulianR do i understand that in your situation the google bar is not coming back completely after enabling the google app, And is showing the initialising bar for ever?
The top part of the home screen of Quickstep can’t be changed in any way. so i expect it to be normal that the date and time can’t be changed as wel when the google winged can’t be found by Quickstep.