When I open settings, “Wallpaper and style”, “More lockscreen options”, there are a few toggles on what to display and what not.
When I open them, “Show wallet” is activated, but I don’t want it there and until opening the settings it did not get displayed. After being at these settings, it get’s displayed now. No matter if I deactivate the toggle or not. If I deactivate the toggle, only after a reboot the icon is gone on the lockscreen again. But once I visit the settings again, the toggle is on again and no way to remove it except deactivating and rebooting.
Similar for the “Show QR code scanner” toggle: It is always deavtivated if I go to the settings, even if I just activated it. And no matter what setting, I never get the button to appear at the lock screen.
I’ve had set the lockscreen to not display the Google wallet icon before upgrading to A14 and I had and have the Google app deactivated.
Maybe the QR code scanner is from the Google app? Shouldn’t give me the option than I guess.
Anyone else with these issues? Will report to supoort if we don’t find a solution here
Edit: please don’t merge with the bloated update discussion thread, arguing what’s nice and what not. This is not a discussion but a possible bug report/ thread.
I havent used that settings so far and dont use Google Wallet, so cant test this, however, assuming a bar code scanner icon should appear on lock screen when enabled in the settings, I can confirm thats not happening. What I cant confirm is this
I enabled it and next time I went into the (wallpaper) lock screen settings it was still enabled. Edit: upon reboot its disabled, maybe that was meant and I misunderstood.
So I guess best is to report this to Fairphone, while gathering more information here.
True that, I was a bit unspecific: If I change the settings, they stay like setted until reboot. The change of settings has no effect though: The wallet icon is always displayed (until reboot with setting off), the QR code scanner icon never shows.
Got the response from the support that they will look into that
Pointed them to both relevant topics, this one and my previous
Thank you for your reply and for letting me know about this.
To help you further with your request, I will need to forward it to the relevant department to verify whether it’s a bug introduced with the latest update. As soon as we have an update, we will get back to you.
strange, I got a ticket, a personal response and the second one after I exlained it better and provided the screenshots the first response asked for #speedtrack.
all within 5 days:)