Lineage Experiences

Now I have it for three days at my Fp2 and I am pleased very much!!!
The Installation went smooth without reboots until now. No adjustments of apps, no high prosessor temperatures.
None. I have had some before with open Android 5.1, may be one in a week, but that’s much to much if you want to get waked reliably in the morning. Lets see, what comes in future?
When I set up my phone with downloading, installing and configuring apps the battery went down continuously although the device was connected to the charger.
Last night I measured 3% of energy loss within 7 houres from 82% to 79%, with WiFi on, no flight mode and “Greenify” installed.

Off course without charging and using it in that time. That would mean, it stays for more than a week, incredibly!
All apps I tried do work properly (didn’t try all! in that short period!).

Fantastic work with the big chance,that it goes on in that way! A huge step to a much wanted software longevity!
I compare it to my Nokia C7, which I had to give up after 8 years because of missing software updates. The hardwaew still is working!


A post was merged into an existing topic: Using LineageOS on the FP2