Legibility of the font used for the forum

It seems the font used for the forum was changed lately?

The current font is very hard to read for me, which makes it nearly impossible to read longer posts in this forum. It is too bold and blurred.

Is there any reason for this change? Can the font be changed back to the old one (or to another font with better legibility)?


If you are using Windows, search for ClearType, turn it on and do the test to improve the sharpness of your screen.

I have reported that the font is too bold in my opinion, but is is not blurred at all here.


I donā€™t use Windows (Linux only) and I donā€™t have this problem with other fonts on my computer.

Thanks for reporting it!

Not blurry but too much bold also for me, I donā€™t find it comfortable for long threads reading


Debian testing user here (GNOME desktop). I also feel that the font is a little more diffuse and harder to read. It can be read, but itā€™s harder to, IMO.


Compare it to your FP. It looks fine here on my FP1 / Fennec F-Droid.

Iā€™m still getting used to it. If I end up not liking it, Iā€™ll probably end up writing a greasemonkey script to override it to something more comfortable.


font-weight: 300 looks fine (like the top navigation bar ā€œPhone Story Community Supportā€).

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I also think the characters are too small and i donā€™t find it easy legible (on FP2)

I installed the Firefox addon Stylus and created a new style for forum.fairphone.com with just the following code:

.topic-body {
    font-weight: 300 !important;

Legibility is fine now, so thanks for the suggestion!


I think it renders a different font. To me it seems more narrower in mobile (Fennec on FP2), :thinking:

Edit: Yes, responsive design. Ctrl + Shift + M on Firefox Desktop, input a width of 700px and then a width of 600 and youā€™ll notice the differences.


No difference here, other than the font size:

Weird, I donā€™t see now either a narrower font, just a size change, as you said. Misteries of live web development! Hahaha

You can choose the older, default Discourse, theme in your user profile preferences under ā€˜Interfaceā€™ and ā€˜Themeā€™.


Thanks, it works!
Although I started to worry a little bit when I saved my changes and got to see this :slight_smile:

Itā€™s definitely better for mobile. I bet Iā€™ll again be able to see what I type in the ā€œCreate topicā€-editor. :sweat_smile:


Did it get better when you cleared your cache?

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it got better when I returned to the mail page of the forum :slight_smile:


Thank you! Being able to choose is great, :slight_smile:


On my screen the font is now thinner and easier to read.
How is it on your side?

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